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  1. blake9999


    The chemicals are safe to purchase, in fact you can get everything on Amazon. But I think going that route is intended for people who intend to make allot of seeds. I only grow four or five plants at a time so i have a few years worth of seeds saved up.
  2. blake9999


    Correct. And NO, making femanized seeds does not cause hermies if you have good genetics to start with. Most herrmies come from stress caused by the grower or from unscrupilious breeders. Another mehoad you can try is using STS. I haven't tried it myself, but it seems like it's the wave of the...
  3. blake9999

    California to demand Trump's Taxes

    I think ALL the states should adopt this rule. It will deffinately keep him off the ticket because he is doing any means necessary to not have his taxes revealed. I think three or four other states are doing this as well, but I can't remember which ones. An article I read a few weeks ago.
  4. blake9999

    How Long Did You MSNL order take?

    I ordered from them a few times and choose stealth shipping. Takes between 12 and 14 days usually.
  5. blake9999

    If you were presented with a button that could instantly kill Trump,would you?

    I think Nancy P. had it right when she refered to trump as a 'Grifter'.
  6. blake9999

    If you were presented with a button that could instantly kill Trump,would you?

    I would press th button repeatitly like I was calling an elevator. With any luck it will take out Rob Roy as well.
  7. blake9999

    Two years wasted on the Mueller Investigation. How will the media discredit President Trump next?

    Don't feed the Troll. All he believes in is Alternative Facts anyway.
  8. blake9999

    Two years wasted on the Mueller Investigation. How will the media discredit President Trump next?

    <G> what do you smell with your head so far up trump's ass?
  9. blake9999

    Stem splitting anyone tried ?

    More bro-science. If it really worked everyone would be doing it and talking about it.
  10. blake9999

    33% approval rating. LOL

    Trump celebrates 10,000 lies while in office.
  11. blake9999

    Stand-up Comedy

    Brad Williams stand up (full show)
  12. blake9999

    Surprise! Oliver North was too corrupt for the corrupt NRA (or is it the other way around?)

    DEA idiot shoots himself teaching gun safety!
  13. blake9999

    Seed sprouted upside down

    You did all that could be done. Hopefully it will pull through with no problems.
  14. blake9999

    Joe Biden announces he is running for president in 2020

    Joe Biden announces he is running for president in 2020 After months of deliberation, former Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday announced his decision to run for president for a third time, answering one of the biggest outstanding questions about the makeup of the 2020 race...
  15. blake9999


    You don't have to buy it. Take your flat earth crap to the flat earth thread please.
  16. blake9999


    They switched to a faster burning fuel, which is what probably caused it.
  17. blake9999

    need to delete aacount quickly-how?

    Too late. We already have all of your information.
  18. blake9999

    Link to Mueller Report

    Schiff: Mueller found "multiple attempts" by Trump to mislead and interfere