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  1. Dabbinblunted

    Dabbinblunted's 2017 Backyard Bonanza

    Got off work early and went fishing with the wife today. I landed a couple 2 pounders and she got a nice 4lb bass.
  2. Dabbinblunted

    Sticky Icky Maine Strains Under Cali Sun

    Thanks! Some are starting to show sex I'll be killing males soon!
  3. Dabbinblunted

    getawaymountain 16/17 seeders

    Badass garden!
  4. Dabbinblunted

    Sticky Icky Maine Strains Under Cali Sun

    R2 Poison at bedtime
  5. Dabbinblunted

    Everything MMA Thread

    It'd be cool to see Weidman get a much needed win
  6. Dabbinblunted

    Open Show and Tell 2017-18

  7. Dabbinblunted

    Sticky Icky Maine Strains Under Cali Sun

    Fuck it :fire:
  8. Dabbinblunted

    Very weak breaking branches

    I'm curious if anyone has info on this as well. I'm doing several strains but only my Tahoe ogs and Skywalker ogs have been shedding lower branches pretty often. They just fall down and die
  9. Dabbinblunted

    TaNgs Mephisto room.

    Nice! Thank you
  10. Dabbinblunted

    Sticky Icky Maine Strains Under Cali Sun

    Thinking about popping the church x poison warp and making a sea of green in some garden beds
  11. Dabbinblunted

    2 plants 1 big pot

    I do it to one or two spots every year. Usually when I throw some out real late and I don't have too much extra space. It helps to LST/bend them over away from each other
  12. Dabbinblunted

    Sticky Icky Maine Strains Under Cali Sun

    Poison Warp looking sexy.
  13. Dabbinblunted

    Dabbin's Summer Autos

    Started germin 3 sour crinkle and 3 grape walker kush! Might start some of those avt freebies too
  14. Dabbinblunted

    TaNgs Mephisto room.

    Anyone know what this is?
  15. Dabbinblunted

    Dabbin's Summer Autos

    Not sure what strain this is? AVT special pheno? I read somewhere it was a kushy stinky strain.
  16. Dabbinblunted

    Dabbin's Summer Autos

    Where to start....? :weed:
  17. Dabbinblunted

    First Autoflower Grow Outdoors! Black Cream, Big Devil #1 And Big Devil XL

    That last plant with the single leaves tried to flower early now she's revegging