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  1. Thebanktella

    Do’s and Dont’s list

    Awww shit I already made a mistake leave dead leaves on the floor lol when I defoliate I throw it on as a top dress
  2. Thebanktella

    Do’s and Dont’s list

    So I’m kinda new to indoor growing , is there a list of dos and dnts like rules to follow with indoor to assist to not get pm and pathogens
  3. Thebanktella

    Quick quick clone question

    30 lol 35 that’s specific
  4. Thebanktella

    Quick quick clone question

    Cloning in small peat pots with coco ... perlite or not ?
  5. Thebanktella


    Can I bubble trichoderma with ewc and molasses to increase there potency before watering ? Increase the amount of triche fungi?
  6. Thebanktella

    Dinafem cheese xxl auto question

    Love it ok will do that look sick
  7. Thebanktella

    Dinafem cheese xxl auto question

    3 gallons is 11ltr , 1litre diff , I was thinking of doing em in 5gallons due to it being an xxl not sure if that makes a difference in plant size ? Or what ?
  8. Thebanktella

    Dinafem cheese xxl auto question

    So I’ve bought a dinafem cheese xxl auto , I normally grow my autos in 10ltr fabric pots , does the xxl range mean I need bigger pots or would the 10ltr pot be sufficient ?
  9. Thebanktella

    Hid height

    Thanks for all the replies guys you guys are the truth
  10. Thebanktella

    Hid height

    Ok so I’ve done an upgrade to 400watt hps, with a 5” inline and cool tube in a 1mX1m tent the question is how low can I run the light from the tops for max bud production, as currently temperatures in my tent are 20degrees Celsius constantly , I can hold the cool tube and not burn my hand
  11. Thebanktella

    Light wattage

    So my tent is a 3X3 I could just bump it up to 400watt but thinking of electricity if I’m running it for 20hours day on the auto I could maybe drop it to 18-6
  12. Thebanktella

    Light wattage

    My vipaspectra 450watt shows 250watt from the wall does that mean I will use the same amount of electricity as a 250watt metal halide ? Wana do a auto flower run and wana do from start to finish under hid as it would def be better than that vipaspectra light
  13. Thebanktella

    12/12 switch

    Too early to tell?
  14. Thebanktella

    Quick cfm question

    Should be fine as in it ain’t gonna suck the shit outa my tent ?
  15. Thebanktella

    Quick cfm question

    So I have a 1mX1mX2m tent , with a 6inch air cooled hood for my hps bulb will be running a 400watt and wanted to add a 6inch inline extractor to extract hot air , dnt wana reduce the duct size the in-line is rated at 460m3/h is that sufficient or to much ? For cfm
  16. Thebanktella

    12/12 switch

    Shot bro
  17. Thebanktella

    12/12 switch

    Lol are you like a product rep heheheheh on both my posts
  18. Thebanktella

    12/12 switch

    What’s this quick 12-12 switch thing to show sex that ppl be talking bout ? Can I then put it back into veg ? And how early into a seedlings life can this be done ?
  19. Thebanktella

    Powdery mildew Q

    Thanks so much for the reply bro will def take all your advice