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  1. D

    need help growing asap please!!

    Hey dude if you could check out the pick and new post I just put and help me out really appreciate it
  2. D

    need help growing asap please!!

    Check out the pick I need help please if you could
  3. D

    need help growing asap please!!

    Guys it popped through and still has the shell attached shoUldale I take of the plastic and keep the bottle or should I remove everything and just give it light and water ???
  4. D

    need help growing asap please!!

    Also how many times a day and when I'm the day should I water the soil? How many times a week too..
  5. D

    need help growing asap please!!

    Really appreciate the help ... once I see green I'll make sure to ta key off the covers I left a tiny bit open in the side anyways just incase for airflow I'll make sure to check on my plant every morning when I wake up and every night before I sleep once I see that seed pop I'll remove it ...
  6. D

    need help growing asap please!!

    Thanks for the Information they first pixtr5you saw it was a different soil I changed it now but that kl anyways
  7. D

    need help growing asap please!!

    Hey could you check out the image I just uploaded and tell me if it looks good ?
  8. D

    need help growing asap please!!

    This is what I done ..transparent water bottle in the seed are o cut it to be wide of course and I delicately placed cling over it ... seems good ?
  9. D

    need help growing asap please!!

    After i germinate a put in soil should I put it under my light then yea ?
  10. D

    need help growing asap please!!

    This is how my seed looks is it still good ? Should I germinate a new one and leave this one or what should I do ?
  11. D

    need help growing asap please!!

    Yes I remember exactly where it is ..I'll open up the soil a bit and maybe leave the seed like showing ..I'll do it hen take a picture ..thanks btw you've been a great help !
  12. D

    need help growing asap please!!

    And this is all I have completely nothing ...I'm going to install my cfl light tomorrow hopefully that will get it up and running Great pictures btw thank you !
  13. D

    need help growing asap please!!

    So your suggesting I place a cup lightly over the soil where the seed is and keep my light on on top of it?
  14. D

    need help growing asap please!!

    Could I just add I'm using soil called "John innes no1" soil basede Comost for young plants
  15. D

    need help growing asap please!!

    Right I'm not using the cfl light I have if you'd read ...i HAVE 200w cfl light but ain't using them as people keep telling me not to use light to make the seed pop through soil. .
  16. D

    need help growing asap please!!

    So I should use the clf then and ignore what others say about not using light?
  17. D

    need help growing asap please!!

    I didn't understand sorry .. alright imimpinge to try that tomorrow imimmigration to hook up my lights ... but it's confusing because some people say not to as it won't make a difference at this stage others say itsomething how you make it sprout out the soil
  18. D

    need help growing asap please!!

    No I have everything except for a tent .... I put light warm water in a spray bottle and I'm going to let it sit for 24 hours ... I mean the seed germinated. .. I planted it the right depth as I saw videos and I even used a ruler to measure (I know wierd and nooby) it's been 4 days ... I must be...
  19. D

    need help growing asap please!!

    It could be to cold as when I touch the soil it's not warm can I warm it up ? I mean ... should I like use warm water or something ? I haven't got that much equipment