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  1. R

    What The Hell Is Wrong With My Plants?

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhh very interesting! Oh, I see, I see! This is very helpful news. I will water them again tomorrow. 6.5. :) What do you think about feeding? Or is it too late? They've been flowering for over a month now - first tiny buds showed at 5/9 (now that I've checked my photos).
  2. R

    What The Hell Is Wrong With My Plants?

    Yes, just water for three weeks. I water my flowering plants very consistently in the 6.5 range. I'll never do any less than 6.2 or any more than 6.7. It's true though that sometimes I'm lazy and vary by a bit. But not much, and not often. So, what you're saying is, I should only add nutes...
  3. R

    What The Hell Is Wrong With My Plants?

    Oh, just yesterday.
  4. R

    What The Hell Is Wrong With My Plants?

    Ah, and they're in 5 gallon cloth bags.
  5. R

    What The Hell Is Wrong With My Plants?

    I'm using Technaflora starter kit. I follow the instructions: All values per 1gal: BC Boost: 3/0/2 -15ml BC Bloom: 1/4/7 - 15ml Awesome Blossom: 2/11/11 - 2.5ml Thrive Alive Red: 1/1/1 - 2.5ml Sugar Daddy: 0/0/0 - 2.5 Magical: 2/0/0 - 12.5
  6. R

    What The Hell Is Wrong With My Plants?

    Damnit! Go get your own thread! :p Anyways. Sorry I missed everything in the furor. Orange is the new Black day today :) (and I'm a girl, btw). >>>I'm witnessing some heavy reaction to something that was put on the leaves; a very bad mite infestation, and a completely under nourished set of...
  7. R

    What The Hell Is Wrong With My Plants?

    Oh man. I've screwed things up pretty bad. So I've got my three flowering plants - I feel like two have been flowering for a month now. One has been in there for a couple weeks. My two flowering girls seem to have stopped growing. I'm really worried about harshness, so I haven't fed them in a...
  8. R

    Is it harvest time yet?

    Ah. Yeah, I think I transplanted them too close to flowering, plus they got a little infected with spider mites towards the end, the bastards. I'll harvest when I see the first few amber trichs.
  9. R

    Is it harvest time yet?

    Now with more pictures! Please let me know what else you guys might want to get some feedback here. I'm usually pretty baked when I'm posting about my plants :)
  10. R

    Is it harvest time yet?

    You mean, more pictures? I'm sorry I'm still getting to used to things here, and I'm pretty baked. I'll add more pictures in a little while.
  11. R

    Is it harvest time yet?

    Hey guys, I haven't been able to get my hands on a jewelers loupe. I'm planning on waiting until they have an amber trichome or two, but I wouldn't mind harvesting one sooner than the other one to get an idea of the difference. Is this girl ready for harvest yet? I tried to get a good closeup...
  12. R

    Flowering Plants not happy - Too Wet?

    Oh wow! Good idea, but my apartment stays pretty warm, although they might get down to 20C or so at the coldest. Think that's too cold?
  13. R

    Flowering Plants not happy - Too Wet?

    Roger that, thanks :)
  14. R

    Flowering Plants not happy - Too Wet?

    My closet is still partially under construction while I move things around. Hoping to move the top shelf in a couple days. Is the crowding bad for them? I won't be moving anything in there until the expansion is complete. I'm using two 2100k 125W CFL's. They're on the side now, but I'm hoping...
  15. R

    Flowering Plants not happy - Too Wet?

    Hey guys, My girls have been flowering for a few weeks now - slow going, but they smell great and look pretty good. They were happy for about a week, then they got sad again after I fed them. But the leaves are wilting like crazy - I fed them last week, and have watered them once since then...
  16. R

    Two weeks on 12/12 - no change?

    Aha, yes, I was wondering about that. Another mistake to chalk up to noobness. So, should I just leave them acclimate? I have transplant fert, shall I give it to them? I can also move them to a more veg-style light cycle, like 14-16 hours instead of 12?
  17. R

    Two weeks on 12/12 - no change?

    I figured the same thing too about moonlight. I'll try and make it darker in there though, just in case. Would they show stress if light was causing the issue? Could it be transplant shock? I transplanted them just before I moved them to flowering so they could have more soil. The air flow...
  18. R

    Two weeks on 12/12 - no change?

    Room is around 21C at night, and around 27C during the day. 50% RH. I'll take some pics of the preflowers when the lights come back on. I have them in a closet. It's definitely really dark in there - but no, probably not complete darkness. Should be darker than the veg room, though.
  19. R

    Two weeks on 12/12 - no change?

    Hello all, I repotted my two best plants a couple weeks ago and moved them into the flowering room. I've been waiting for them to get started, but so far one of them looks wilting, and the other looks healthy but isn't growing. Using 5-gallon soil bags with about 50% perlite/50% potting soil...
  20. R

    Where can I find E39 fixtures for CFL's in Canada?

    Hello all, I just called Home Depot, and they say they don't have any e39 fixtures for my new bulbs. I was able to find this: But it mentions that it is only compatible with "porcelain sockets" which I...