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  1. Silvio Dante

    How to transplant clones

    Do you have a picture of the clones? Depending on the size I'd suggest a very low concentration nutrient solution just to get them going, but overall I wouldn't really bother with the nutrients until they are transplanted out of the cubes.
  2. Silvio Dante

    Lower leaf issue

    Blimey that soil must be adulterated to buggery then if you haven't been feeding. I just buy cheapo coco coir as it has no nutrients at all. I find its easier to keep control of things by administering the nutes yourself from the off rather than trying to guess when the medium has depleted...
  3. Silvio Dante

    Pollinated females plz help

    On the face of it, it sounds like your bollocksed mate but I simply do not know enough about pollination issues myself to provide meaningful insight. As far as I have recently come to understand it though, in the case where you have had this occur you might end up with feminised seeds? I think...
  4. Silvio Dante

    Lower leaf issue

    For posterity, this is one of my 4 at the moment and I think this is the sweet spot you want to aim for. They're lush and green, but no so dark green as to be overfed. Hope this helps!
  5. Silvio Dante

    Lower leaf issue

    Much better thanks :) Yep I'd eat my hat if that isn't early signs of nutrient burn. It comes up in spots and yellow patches and in bad cases from the tips of the leaves downwards - that is what you will start to see if you don't ease off on the nutrients. It is an extremely deep green colour...
  6. Silvio Dante

    Lower leaf issue

    Very hard to tell in the LED light I am afraid, but judging by your stem thickness I would say that the dying off of those first leaves at the base is perfectly normal and expected, they've done all they can do for the plant and bigger leaves are doing more work now, shading them over to boot...
  7. Silvio Dante

    DWC/400HPS Leaf edges curling upwards

    That's interesting as humidity was my second choice, so I'd keep an eye on that for sure. A grower of weed paranoid? Surely not?
  8. Silvio Dante

    What’s the most dry weight you have pulled from a autoflower

    Here's a selection for you at various different stages towards the last two weeks - excuse the HPS glow as I hadn't anticipated at the time anybody other than myself looking at these. As you can see, this was by no means a skilled or intelligent grow - I am not kidding when I said blunderbuss...
  9. Silvio Dante

    why grow so much plant just to lollypop

    Knowledge is power, and the best thing a grower in the UK can do is inhale the criminal statute book to know exactly where and how to tread ;) The chances are by now the vast majority of UK police forces do not actively seek it on a domestic level, but it isn't something they will publicly...
  10. Silvio Dante

    Seedlings, one perfect, the other stalling.

    This is good advice and something I shall have to do myself...
  11. Silvio Dante


    I would say so, but get them transplanted out of those pots ASAP as I think the problems will be stemming from the plants roots crying out for more space. You'll only rob yourself of some growth by not doing so, though I accept your concerns over stress. Personally, I do the seedlings in...
  12. Silvio Dante

    DWC/400HPS Leaf edges curling upwards

    This all looks very good to me, and a robust set up at that. Whilst I have never grown hydroponically yet, I know many who do and these look pretty bang on. About the only thing I can think of is that it might be a touch too heavy on the nutrients, but the curling is pretty minor. Edge leaf...
  13. Silvio Dante

    Someone please help!

    Looks like classic overwatering to me. From my experience, light burn usually manifests itself in yellow spots on the central areas of the leaves and yes, potentially the tips. However, in the pictures shown the yellow curling is exclusively at the leaves, the leaves are drooping and they are a...
  14. Silvio Dante

    DAMPING OFF why me! wtf am i doing wrong??

    Couldn't agree more with this, love the stuff.
  15. Silvio Dante

    Low Kelvin Bulbs What about this? Admittedly... a little low on the wattage!
  16. Silvio Dante

    High humidity

    Might I suggest the stuff you find in shoe boxes: Silica Gel. I am not sure about the avaialbility of it in the States, but it is a pretty innocuous product, with 2.5kg of it setting you back about £6 in the UK. You can slug it around in trays and I'd also suggest having pots of it near your...
  17. Silvio Dante

    First Grow - Opinions? :)

    I wouldn't worry about the repotting personally at this point, I reckon you're more likely to shock them than you are to help them that far on (I could be wrong though, no experience with repotting) as I quite literally plant the seedling straight out of rockwool into its final container. They...
  18. Silvio Dante

    First round of nutes ??

    Hi ;) I don't use castings personally, but I believe they are meant to be mixed into the initial soil mix, and it is highly dependent on what mix you're using. If you have started with a potting medium like a peat based soil or dare I say it "Miracle Grow" there will be a basic nutritional...
  19. Silvio Dante

    why grow so much plant just to lollypop

    You are absolutely correct and I know that Dorset, Essex and Somerset & Avon Police also do not actively seek it. I have been told by the Police & Crime Commissioner of Essex himself "We have absolutely no interest in that. We expect 3 seperate complaints about smell before we'll even send an...
  20. Silvio Dante

    Would you be growing weed if it weren't legal

    I couldn't give less of a toss about the absurdity in UK law and the current political classes inability to have a mature debate concerning drugs and the highly misguided and outdated Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. I grow it very much against the law as quite frankly - what business does any human...