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  1. GodfatherKCCO

    Replant Those Long Stretchy Stems ( Its Easy )

    Try a cup full of vinegar with some cellophane over the top secured tightly with a rubber band and pin holes punched in it. You don't need a ton. They'll go after the vinegar and die in there. Empty every few days and repeat. Banana peels work as well. Doesn't get them all but it gets a...
  2. GodfatherKCCO

    When to flush

    OH COME ON FOLKS!!! We're enthusiasts not enemies. Isn't it better to debate, talk, show, and prove our theories? Share information and MAYBE establish a preposition? There's no point in name calling and being rude. That's what reddit is for :)
  3. GodfatherKCCO

    When to flush

    PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT you either owe me a new keyboard and a monitor cleaning or at least a bud or two. That was the funniest shiit I've seen all day but now there's beer and snot everywhere. LOL
  4. GodfatherKCCO

    When to flush

    Obviously I'm not an expert like a lot of people here but I'm a research junkie and I talk to a LOT of people on and offline about the right way to grow (yes including mama). I'm also a self taught structural engineer where utilizing logic and common sense are key. To me the argument is very...
  5. GodfatherKCCO

    When to flush

    That's awesome. Sorry for the delay I've had a busy week :)
  6. GodfatherKCCO

    When to flush

    oh well if it's only a felony. PSH.. See my nickname? Do you think that's going to bother me? I have minions to do that kind of bidding LOL Have a good night and thanks for the grin :)
  7. GodfatherKCCO

    When to flush

    Of course they don't. Don't you know that all discussions here are simply theoretical? ;)
  8. GodfatherKCCO

    When to flush

    Wow... that sounds incredible. If I made that up here the family would be 'what the fuck is this?' So theyre getting chicken fried pork chops, country gravy, and mashed potatoes, today. Filling but... sigh. Not much of a fucking challenge. Guess that's why people like us enjoy growing...
  9. GodfatherKCCO

    When to flush

    Great.. just remind me of my morning. Thanks a lot.. Butthead :P
  10. GodfatherKCCO

    When to flush

    Can I cook their snot and come to your house please? LOL. Really dude sounds totally awesome.
  11. GodfatherKCCO

    When to flush

    I'd LOVE to make that but if I cooked that for my in laws they'd be all butt hurt that I made 'fru fru' food. If it doesn't taste like snot they don't like it. UGH!!
  12. GodfatherKCCO

    When to flush

    I'm cooking pork chops later. Come on over :)
  13. GodfatherKCCO

    When to flush

    Ya I tried to flush this morning but the shitter backed up. That was a lot of fun at 3 am.
  14. GodfatherKCCO

    When to flush

    Meh.. trust me. I'm an old school net vet. I can tell pretty quick who to listen to and who to dismiss. For instance I'll listen to you and several others I've talked to here. Others... well not so much. Growing is a science and an art. Different environmental factors will always come into...
  15. GodfatherKCCO

    When to flush

    Hey I still got a decent shrubbery that the Knights who said 'NI' liked so it's all good. Oh wait that was my uncle. Same thing :)
  16. GodfatherKCCO

    When to flush

    Yep I've learned how not be a jackass by observing jackasses :) I don't include you in that charge sir.
  17. GodfatherKCCO

    When to flush

    Thus the reason I always wear some type of shoe unless I'm in bed :)
  18. GodfatherKCCO

    When to flush

    Not trying to be a forum policeman as much as I'm trying to be the calm voice of reason just like I am everywhere I go. Frankly I don't think the thread is stupid as it is in the Newbies forum and information can get lost or missed by neophytes like me. I've gotten some pretty good ideas and...
  19. GodfatherKCCO

    When to flush

    Come on man. Let's not let things devolve to a pissing contest. We're here to share ideas, concepts, and thoughts, on growing. We're not here to measure our dicks. That's what reddit is for :D
  20. GodfatherKCCO

    When to flush

    In seriousness I do as well. Lots of good and knowledgeable people around and the divergent processes fascinate me. Have a great Sunday!!!