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  1. arcalion


    Yeah he just ghosts if you have a problem with him, he's already gotten your money, he doesn't intend to fix anything lol, there's no sense for him to do it, even if it means a repeat customer, not sure he's just not wired that way. Most likely I see his Instagram account being terminated and...
  2. arcalion


    Did they survive?
  3. arcalion


    Thats a lie lol, how could you say all of them do? Maybe if it was usa to usa; but this is international; this thing only just got to sanfransisco its already been 3 days, if its flying to Canada now maybe it'll make it today and deliver by thur/fri but Jesus.
  4. arcalion


    I can't find in Canada currently, how long are cuttings capable of staying alive when shipped? I know 14days I've had rooted clones die. Or 9 days, I still don't think its possible it'll hit by Friday and maybe Monday... sucks cuz its 400$ I really did think he was shipping gxg 1-3day like he...
  5. arcalion

    spider mite or deficiency

    kinda looks like both, should check under leaves for mites should have eggs or theyre walking around
  6. arcalion


    tbh don't mind me im not really that upset over it, i just realize im projecting the fact that i lost two good plants on a table that were my hugest, so my energy is probably to do with that more than anything, but its all good. im sure the clones will get here friday carryonz
  7. arcalion


    i asked him for the fastest possible earlier on in the conversation to make sure, asked him how much the fastest shipping is, said it was 95$ and i agreed, so i don't entirely think im nitpicking because it seems pretty logical we'd be going with GXG or the fastest, even asked for other options...
  8. arcalion


    damn definitely not worth working with pinkbox if you're out of country, the first email he gives me says " Hello, Thanks for reaching out. We ship to Canada using USPS GXG 1-3 days, or USPS Express international 3-4 days. We do have both cuttings and clones of GG4. Let us know what we can do...
  9. arcalion


    ohhh i had to look at it again, yeah thats definitely confusing af lol
  10. arcalion


    lol you put down Pink box clones as a scammer, yet all he did so far was only give a strain that wasnt the right one, we don't know if his whole line up is actually all bunk..
  11. arcalion


    Well I'm meant to get shipping tracker from him today; let's gooooo nice got tracking lets hope it takes 1-2days to get to canada Sheit
  12. arcalion


    Whats there insta link? I wanna check it
  13. arcalion


    Well than, I am skeptical of his other strains.. let's see these gg4 and runtz, got a buddy who has both so well compare
  14. arcalion


    has he responded to you about it yet?
  15. arcalion


    Yeah thats just unfortunate man, I feel like customer service is number 1 in anything, but also sometimes dealing with buyers could be a headache but definitely need to have the personality for it
  16. arcalion


    I agree, I dont know how its so hard lol, I need to get some more strains in my tent and just start selling cuttings myself, I have a couple great ones thankfully, so I'm not too concerned.. But hopefully its some kind of misunderstanding, possibly messages plenty of people I don't know. Edit...
  17. arcalion


    Yeah... I responded showing him pics of how I did and sent address no response yet, worse comes to works ill have to go to bank and request a charge back if it goes through with my bank
  18. arcalion


    Lol well now I'm nervous, I paid for a order with pink box yesterday and he confirmed it, messaged him about the Now n Later and also asking if I get a tracking email tomorrow morning and tells me this Also sent him the confirmations on PayPal and all, I hate ordering off new people
  19. arcalion


    Which photo is it? So many photos on connected cali lol
  20. arcalion


    Boys; I think no matter what you gotta accept that you're going to get mites or powdery mildew when you in the clone game lol, there's fixes for that thankfully and should always have them on hand for new clones in quarantine, its like covid for clones lolol