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  1. dtp5150

    Is the Rev full of shit about humic and fulvic acids?

    Why do you take what he says and extrapolate your own conclusions of his meaning beyond the utter simplicity of it? From that quote, the information I gathered is to not add organic acids to your medium ( in order to rapidly decompose the organic matter into absorbable ions - a process usually...
  2. dtp5150

    Words, What the fuck. The name 'Assassin', from the Arabic Hashishin or "users of hashish", was originally derogatory and used by their adversaries during the Middle Ages.
  3. dtp5150

    Do I Keep Smoking Blunts or Stop Smoking Blunts?

    I will probably never smoke a blunt again so u know what my answer is lol i had a worked glass blunt. it has a cool name n everything but..... everyone thinks its a crack pipe, and it gets clogged a lot, and taking out the weed is a bitch, and putting it in there. just my experience. urs is...
  4. dtp5150

    Growing lilies in RDWC

    i hope your experiment goes well! I have a few types of lillies that grow in my yard naturally ( no irrigation ), but i have no idea what they are because im a botany newb within the last week or so i got a bunch of white ones about knee high that are very fragrant. I love walking by and...
  5. dtp5150

    TGA shirts!! (pics)

    id wear that ish :D looks high quality ( durable ) too
  6. dtp5150

    Amateur Drawings

    when doing faces, u gotta set up the lines and proportions and perspective drawing an oval sphere head and cross section lines and what not, before u get busy with the features, or as u can see things can get a little out of place good work tho, keep it up!
  7. dtp5150

    How to cool my tent/what type of inline fan

    get a 6" inline fan, u could probably get away with a 4" but its nice to have the 6"
  8. dtp5150

    i cant grow

    ya green crack is commercial yield for sure ( from what ive heard ) I have some questions dude ur electrical panel array is very clean. thanks for showin us how its done. but it excessive? why did u use so many c clamps? Why do you need a switch for each outlet, when u could just unplug...
  9. dtp5150

    Growing Chili's Indoors?

    podpiper, NICE SET UP!!!! u made me yell "holy shit!" lol
  10. dtp5150

    when to flower in spring

    i dont think people get this thread correctly ( or maybe its me). I thought its about flowering in spring ( or early winter ). I am close to harvest :D I found a chart put out the us navy u put in ur location...
  11. dtp5150

    sucker fish in the dwc tub with the nutes

    I LOL'd big time after hearing he put his fish in with floralicious lahahahahmuhahhaa
  12. dtp5150

    Commercial Farming (Indoor?) (organic?)

    look up sepp holzer
  13. dtp5150

    Smoke = acidic, Vape = ???

    show me something that says a diet high in foods with a PH such as beets is bad for your health instead of attacking that guy I thank him for his suggestion to keep us healthy smoke is definitely acidic tho.....due to the various combustion byproducts mixing with water vapor....and i would go...
  14. dtp5150

    Plan your grow like a pro!

    nice link bostoner! i saved taht to my HD as a pdf! "The observation (Latta and Eaton 1975) of increased THC production by plants in competition with surrounding vegetation "at a time in the growing season when moisture was not limiting", may indicate a stimulus for cannabinoid production...
  15. dtp5150

    Plan your grow like a pro!

    them dudes who made seedfinder are fuckin geniuses :D regardless of how accurate/usable the user-provided data is....i like they way they set up that system very much
  16. dtp5150

    Dead gnats Whoo!! but now what...?

    sorry to hear man...romulan is so nice perhaps a controlled rain? minimalist water cure?
  17. dtp5150

    when to flower in spring

    im not the OP. but may as well continue. well over a cold few weeks, things are going great. Now that the temps are in check, i got a growth spurt and am afraid its going into reveg. We will see. I would still think its wayy to early to reveg ( thinking may ). Hopeully I get another month of...
  18. dtp5150

    Wheezers' 10'x20' Garage. Organic-Perpetual Harvest-Grow Room

    this is some sexy shit! but please put white on those walls! haha
  19. dtp5150

    extension cords

    should be ok - grab the chords near the outlets and along their length to check for heat, but 70 watts u dont even need a grounded chord i think lol but grounding always good every extension chord is rated for a certain amp draw on the little tag usually or somethin it says
  20. dtp5150

    Magic Mushrooms In 1 Hour!!! :D

    im gelly..have fuuuun....wobble wobble