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  1. S

    I couldn't resist!! few questions!!

    Great job man enjoy your smoke!
  2. S

    Wet weight to dry weight... Conversion estimate.

    I say wait that stuff is strong and the longer you wait the less you will have to smoke to get high. Did two different drying techniques the one that I let dry and cure the longest only have to smoke about half a bowl and get stoned really bad aka room spinning etc. The short dry and cure took a...
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    My New DIY Grow Cab

    I ordered it off amazon was 80$ for a ginormous roll could probably make 4 of those things with the amount that I have. The first ones are 3 Spicy White Devils 3 White Rhinos and 1 Cotton Candy. I just made a journal if youd like to follow the process :)
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    Club 600

    Alright so I worked it out so that I can do a continuous harvest every 6 weeks I have a small cabinet for seedling stage under a small T8 6400k for 2 weeks next they will move to veg chamber under 400W MH bulb for 6 weeks then onto Flower 1 under 600W MH bulb for 2 weeks then on to Flower 2...
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    My New DIY Grow Cab

    400W came in today, put it in to replace the other one and now both 600W are in the flower room. :)
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    Club 600

    We'll I have both in the same cab two 600s 1 is mh and 1 hps. I'll probably leave the mh in there for a little while then switch it to hps after a week
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    Club 600

    Great job man they look to be going nicely.
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    What's a good legit seed bank I can buy from over the net

    Herbies they give you great freebies and all around cool guys.
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    Club 600

    Finished building my cabinet last night was curious to the effects I would see if I left one of the 600s as a HPS and one a MH bulb would that affect the plant growth or anything for flowering?
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    My New DIY Grow Cab

    In all I spent about 80$ on getting all the poly film and wood etc. I spent about two weeks laying out how I wanted to do it and went and got the wood today and threw it together in a few hours. I grew in the closet in the same room before and the temps stayed decent and didnt have to worry will...
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    bud porn

    great job man looks really good!
  12. S

    My New DIY Grow Cab

    Just finished my grow cab it is 2.5x5x6 made from poly film and 2x4s I think it came out pretty good considering the amount of effort I put into it. Will have 2 600W HPS in there for flowering have the Veg in a spare bathroom under a 400W MH. Let me know your thoughts.
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    What's wrong with the T5

    Doesnt look like anything? might be a pest problem.
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    I need 60 ounces or more in three months

    Possible but probably not likely on your first grow. Have you ever grown anything before? If you have it might help. I honestly have no idea about hydro as I havent used it. You would have to do a large amount of plants and probably more light. 1200 Watts would be enough for about 12 plants, you...
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    Ordering seeds from Herbie's

    Herbies is the best forgot to send me the freebies and they sent them and had them within the week also gave me free stealth shipping. Came as a little toy.
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    would a 150w hps light be enough for 2 autos?

    Instead of using the CFL get a 250W MH/HPS and use that. It will give you a better yield generally.
  17. S

    Marijuana related stocks. Investment opportunities to become rich

    My guess is that many of these companies will not be publicly traded and you would need to personally know the people that are creating the new companies.
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    BOMB seeds

    In my grow it smelled like a christmas scented candle, kind of less a weed smell more an outdoor piney smell. It is noticeable when they were almost done you could smell them in the front yard of my house sort of.
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    Best flavor marijuana strain?

    Ive heard good things about cotton candy but cant say for sure, have some growing right now.
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    What light system would be enough for 2 autoflowers?

    You want 100W per plant other than that the choice is yours.