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  1. tristynhawk

    TCH Bomb?

    Grew it guerilla style last year, and averaged 6-7 foot with about 8 ounces a plant. Very hard and pretty buds but I wasn't impressed with the buzz from it.
  2. tristynhawk

    Guerilla spots

    I have spots I've grown in for the past five years. I find in my area that's about all I get out of an area before the surrounding trees and brush start becoming unfavorable. Of course you should always hide your grow properly if you plan on using it the following year. You don't want to leave...
  3. tristynhawk

    Kaya Gold&Soil

    I've found it to be very resistant and easy to grow. Its beautiful smoke very pretty and smelly buds. But I feel its lacking in the potency dept. Regardless I've grown it every year since I first tried it three years ago. Very good producers when grown in a guerilla grow.
  4. tristynhawk

    Humboldtchronic's 2013 Guerilla Grow!!

    get after it bro, i love guerilla growing. good luck
  5. tristynhawk

    Plants dug up

    it's the most reliable repellent ive tried. You gotta apply it a few times, but thats no problem. I usaully dont have any problems with animals after my plants get a little size to them.
  6. tristynhawk

    Best state to grow outdoors?!?

    miegs county
  7. tristynhawk

    Plants dug up

    For some reason animals love to dig into a fresh turned hole, ive found that it helps alot to go out and turn my holes a few weeks in advance this gives them time to satisfy their curiosity in my dirt. I quit using wire couple years ago mainly because i felt it helped make my holes more...
  8. tristynhawk

    purple tops in young plants.

    what i thought but wanted someone to agree with they looked normal until the cold hit why i was leaning towards cold. Appreciate the quick responses guys.
  9. tristynhawk

    purple tops in young plants.

    im hoping they pull out of it. im not starting over i havent got the time i leave in three weeks so was hoping to have em all in the ground.
  10. tristynhawk

    purple tops in young plants.

    Hi guys hope everything is going great for everyone. It's been awhile since ive posted but i took last year off. Well im back at it this year and got some questions about the tops of my young plants turning purple, ive never had anything good come from purple tops in my plants but usually...
  11. tristynhawk

    Ohio Outdoors

    its a spray, mix it up according to the directions ans spray the plant and surrounding vegetation and ground. Make sure u get the underside of the leaves.
  12. tristynhawk

    Ohio Outdoors

    ive had this problem alot past few years in SE ohio, ive used liquid copper with success
  13. tristynhawk

    Outdoor camoflage

    i love growing in cornfields, ive had great success
  14. tristynhawk

    haven't had alot of time myself lately, been working my ass of. i still pop in on the site every...

    haven't had alot of time myself lately, been working my ass of. i still pop in on the site every other day. Hope all is well. I was thinking of you awhile back, i was up in your town working. Great to hear from you man.
  15. tristynhawk

    My First Real Guerilla Grow

    glad to hear your still smoking man, it is nice on the wallet isn't it.
  16. tristynhawk

    second aussie grow - durban poison + passion#1

    Welcome to RIU, and good luck man.
  17. tristynhawk

    Carport GreenHouse 2011

    Ooops, my bad i think closed your thread when i posted.
  18. tristynhawk

    Thursday Night Chop Down!

    Yea there will be no growing for awhile, i got to travel in my field of work so i won't be home. But i will have the laptop so i'll be around.
  19. tristynhawk

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    fucking beautiful man... I love the pics.
  20. tristynhawk

    Carport GreenHouse 2011

    It's always best to avoid their attention anytime you can. Been following your grow all year kinda quietly JJ and just wanted to congratulate on being a great grower and a very likeable personality. None of the big head syndrome with you very classy man + rep.