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  1. meristem

    If Bernie Sanders is for Peace...why did he....

    Really? Like inanimate, government instituted laws?
  2. meristem

    San Bernardino

    fuckin place is getting scary
  3. meristem

    Can we transform ourselves into our own notion of greatness?

    I'm awestruck at the plasticity of the human brain, and by extension, personality. Imagine if we could become the kind of person that we truly respect and admire and love to be around. I think we can. haha! Ok, so follow me here. We're all actors on the stage of life, right? lol I'll toke...
  4. meristem

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    I love this song. Such great harmonies and lyrics. Nice vision, too. Wish it were so. It's hard to get to know people on the level of real caring and sharing. People can't trust each other anymore. Too many assholes in the species fucking up our ability to ever get much beyond being...
  5. meristem

    Self Running Generators

    Awww, fuck that, man. The conservation of energy is stupid. Everyone know that we can drive a generator by enticing virtual energy to leave the quantum vacuum and come up here to big time shit and do some work for a change. Fucking virtual particles and dark energy gotta knock off their...
  6. meristem

    San Bernardino

    Amazon is well suited to push the envelope on delivery systems,fer sure. I don't know about having even more stuff flitting about the skies. But I'm ready for automated cars so whatever, I guess. I draw the line tho when law enforcement drones the size of mosquitos are zipping around checking...
  7. meristem

    San Bernardino

    Amazon needs a fleet of their own computer/remote-controlled cargo planes sufficient to deliver my bong to my house. They could have a special delivery option where, for a substantial shipping charge, they'd fly right over your house and put your shit on your porch. Maybe I'll text them and run...
  8. meristem

    San Bernardino

    lol - i'd replyy better but i'm too high
  9. meristem

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Random jibber jabber??? This ain't no jibber or jabber! I found a small, sealed jar (maybe 1/4 cup) of dried, fine-ground vaping weed from a grow last year. It's my lost MFLB stash!!! Forgot I even had jar left which is totally fucking moron. I was like, Holy shit!!! This is awesome! So I broke...
  10. meristem

    San Bernardino

    Shipping out via Amazon drones? They deliver by drone now? That's very cool!
  11. meristem

    Display GIGVs

    It'd be cool if you could display gifv videos in addition to animated gifs.
  12. meristem

    Chess Players Thread

    I beat myself in chess. Motherfucker cheated! Other than that, chess is amazing stoned. I make the stupidest moves.
  13. meristem

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    yeah, uh-huh, gun control
  14. meristem

    I'm willing to sell my vote!

    Well, if you're a wino, there's a political party that will buy you a pint of Mad Dog and shuttle you to the polling place in return for the right vote.
  15. meristem

    Hello new here!

    Hi and welcome! I don't know shit so you prolly shouldn't ask me anything. But other than that, it's all good, man.
  16. meristem

    Stoner Road Trip Help

    haha! Well honey, I'm fucked up so I can't be trusted. I'ma fill me bong and have at it as a good will gesture.
  17. meristem

    Rate the last movie you watched 1-10

    A friend and I watched an SNL a couple months ago and it wasn't only not funny, it was embarrassingly stupid. I was beginning to think they found actual brain dead zombies or tweakers on the streets of NY (always a possibility) and hired them as "comedy" writers We looked at each other and...
  18. meristem


    You're right. It sure does matter. Rage-based movements that jump on hyped up phony bullshit usually do. The movement would be better served, imo, to camp out on factual race-based police offenses and quit jumping on phony mob mentality shit that only undermines the credibility of their case.
  19. meristem

    Stoner Road Trip Help

    Covered your ass! Good man! I hear you're super smart. I'm really not but that doesn't stop me from pretending. lol We'll have to talk sometime. Oh yeah... we are.
  20. meristem


    I wonder why the "Life" of fabricated bullshit like "hands up, don't shoot" as a "social justice" [sic] rallying cry "MATTERS" when the phrase was actually a delusional fabrication of racists in order to promote race-based rage. But it isn't without worth, being an instructive example of the...