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  1. student

    the smoke room

    visit my new smoke room its pretty awsome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. student

    Milk In My Bong !

    onley the people with the bordom i had should try this becuase although its very good i think it is an desired tast
  3. student

    Milk In My Bong !

    ok so it was very pleasent to inhale no heat off it ofcorse the smoke cuat in bubbles but it made the the smoke kinda creamy like and you need to realy try to pop the bubble bye smoking it or you will still have bubble to pop the sm0ke out of over all: pleasant coming in :smooth and...
  4. student

    Milk In My Bong !

    i dont have to much time on my hands so im going to do it skim milk in first camber cold skim milk in second with alot of ice im going to try this and get back to you
  5. student

    Milk In My Bong !

    like a wait loss canned drink
  6. student

    Milk In My Bong !

    if nobodey has tryed it i wana and iv herd of putting milk in an hooka soo why wouldnt it differ from a 2 chamber bubbler bong ?:confused:
  7. student

    Milk In My Bong !

    if you have the other kind of glass bongs and not the kind of glass that they use for making glass pans
  8. student

    Milk In My Bong !

    lol im realy wanting to try it but i need opinions is regular 2% fat milk good for the bong or skim milk or some crazy liquid that some one wants me to try in my 2chamber bong ?? its sirously the friggin bomb
  9. student

    Milk In My Bong !

    it sounds smooth like skimm milk i herd
  10. student

    Milk In My Bong !

    i herd useing milk cant leve and smother affect then water can it what does it do is there any other liquids you can put in an 2 chamber bubble bong ???? iv have tryed useing the hot water in first camber ice cold in the next but as my old smoing teacher used to say "sounds like some...
  11. student

    Storing Gas??? yep
  12. student

    how do you do peopple

    alright so the computer was on so while my good ole buddy sits in "the circle" taking bong hits i got on my name is fredd well i made a pipe what do you think ???
  13. student

    Storing Gas???

    ha ha ha ha ha yep
  14. student

    Storing Gas???

    yep but my life as good as yours i never even saw a pic of mine i frankly i dont kare im just piss at hijackers and high as hell :)
  15. student

    Storing Gas???

    what you are reffering to are 2 people who offspringed parents - are people who raise you imagine EVERY THING your parent did for you now imagine them not being there .... hmmmmmm i was parentless for like 17 years
  16. student

    Storing Gas???

    fool i dont know who the fuke you are but i never had parents they both died in an plain crash when i was 1 year old in 1985 so no i dont have parents and you need to grow some balls and shut the fuck up {GOD I NEED TO GO GET STONED}:joint:
  17. student

    Storing Gas???

    Its to bad cuase i never had a mom so that must be my dads ball sack your sucking on homo
  18. student

    Storing Gas???

    he is a friging COP fugging POE POE
  19. student

    Storing Gas???

    it would need to be a stiky
  20. student

    Music to toke to

    yea i need lots more suggestoins for music too get high to or its not always fun