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  1. saynotothebs

    male or female? 2 plants

    cant tell from the pictures....but i think its still too early...but once they start it be easy to tell the difference...
  2. saynotothebs

    Bump If You're Baked!

    bumping cause im baked...fried toasted to a crisp, no i aint talking about my color...
  3. saynotothebs


    got to post more...
  4. saynotothebs

    I need Help!!!!!

    you should take a picture...are you sure you have a female plant...yes you are wasteing time growing the male unless you want to do something else with it besides smoke...
  5. saynotothebs

    Neighbor with the porchlight on

    you will be fine its too far away to have any effect...besides you said you have 1.5 weeks left....if the light was causing any damage you should have known by now...
  6. saynotothebs

    I was at a party once...(post your story, one story per post)

    your ass would have been cleaning up lol...j/k
  7. saynotothebs

    CFL lights ?'s

    wow roseman gave you everything you need......dont even waste your money on the cord from ebay....
  8. saynotothebs

    Honesty get's you nowhere

    haha i see it now...takeing piss samples if not you lose your coverage..lmao..
  9. saynotothebs

    You've got to admit this is funny.

    haha...lmao i thought it was pretty funny...
  10. saynotothebs

    I have a tweet account for decrim

    cant knock the hustle..tell em how you get paid everytime someone clicks the link..can i get half if i click it lmao...
  11. saynotothebs

    Kanye West = Douch Bag

    bump bump bump...
  12. saynotothebs

    One week old sprout problem

    if its the first two leaves then they will eventually die dont worry about them..
  13. saynotothebs

    One week old sprout problem

    yea the sooner you can put a pic up the sure someone will recognize the problem with a picture..
  14. saynotothebs

    One week old sprout problem

    do you have a fan on them..
  15. saynotothebs

    Here we go steelers here we go.

  16. saynotothebs

    How to grow small and have LOTS of bud!

    man somebody would steal that ass out...
  17. saynotothebs

    damn seeds

    yea man give it some time i had seeds take like almost a week in a half...give it some time....
  18. saynotothebs

    One pissed off guy!!

    haha when does the coup start.....bring your balls cause you will need them once the national guard hits the IM IN tired of the BS HENCE MY NAME...
  19. saynotothebs

    I Believe that......

    i believe you got some killer ass weed...what strains do you smoke?? i am not trying to make jokes..i feel the same is a wonderful plant that could change the world, and its a shame we are not takeing advantage of all the uses cannabis can provide...
  20. saynotothebs

    Anybody need a pilot...?

    southwest airlines and jetblue are currently hiring pilots...