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  1. YukCrumbs

    Prison experiences

    I was put into a cell with a homless man already passed out, only to have him wake up later on all pissed off that he had to share a cell with me. The guy started scooping shit out of the toilet and tossing it around every where SCREAMING "The only reason i got arrested was to fuckin sleep alone...
  2. YukCrumbs

    Heating Issue...

    Been running CFL's during veg and just ordered a 600w hps for a 3'-3'-6' area druing the flowering stage. The problem i think i might run across is the temperature rising a lil to high. The temp is usually averged 70-75 now and the rh can be anywhere to 50-55 ( rh/70 when the door is closed...
  3. YukCrumbs

    Male, Hermi, or Paranoia???

    not everyone was calling it a herm "ALOT" of people were calling it to be a male (sorry i retract my original statment) but this is where i was reading on it
  4. YukCrumbs

    Male, Hermi, or Paranoia???

    no cam so not able to take any pics at the moment
  5. YukCrumbs

    Male, Hermi, or Paranoia???

    bahh What should i do with this, let it develope maybe a lil more or just chop the fucker right down. Im not trying to get seeds out of the ordeal.
  6. YukCrumbs

    Male, Hermi, or Paranoia???

    I found this picture from another persons post on ROI, everyone was calling it out to be a male. I have the similiar thing going on the third node down, but the top two nodes are starting up an obviouse female preflower. any sugestions of what i might have going on / what to do.
  7. YukCrumbs

    Seaweed! its amazing the things i can find out when im not to lazy to just search around lol. anyone else agree with this link?
  8. YukCrumbs


    So as i was diggin around some things of mine i happend to come across some liquid kelp. Says here to "Mix 4 teaspoons in 1 gallon of water. Spray on foliage every 3 weeks." Has anyone ever heard of spraying directly on the plant? If so, im one week into flowering and there isnt really any new...
  9. YukCrumbs

    Working on my 400 watt setup

    I would reccomend only 3-4 plants max guessing on each one needs a foot of space. Transplant them into a 10in pot if there is more room maybe step up to a 12in or larger. Vegging them is totally up to you just keep in mind that during flowering they can double in size if not more, but im no...
  10. YukCrumbs

    Smell Control in Small Operation

    i just buy the liquid ONA, cut up some sponges and place let it soak in a jar. I placed it around my designated are and seems to work fine for now
  11. YukCrumbs


    so came back with a Eva-Dry EDV-1100 (tiny lil thing) says it work with an area over 1000sq ft. and my space is well under that. any tips on where to place it for accuracy?
  12. YukCrumbs


    I was afraid of that. I kept getting mixed info on the outcome of that so i guess im off to get a dehumidi now. thanks for getting me out the door man lol. let you know how things work out!
  13. YukCrumbs


    my rh is on average 70-75. the 3x3 enclosed area, is about a week into 12-12. what affect will this have on my babies during the flowering stage?