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  1. nameno

    600W HPS Heat signature!.. please help

    It'll be alright long as noone knows it's there,loose lips sink .
  2. nameno

    Genhydro ph drops

    I put 3 drops in put the top on & shake then read.
  3. nameno

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    I typed this before & hit cancel it just don't sound real & I didn't take pictures.I had 2 plants 1 bucket got root rot or whatever that slime is.Was going to throw both away,cut it at the top of r/w just stuck it in some water with 10mg of rapid start3 weeks later I put it in a bucket with...
  4. nameno

    Help plant got sudden wilt

    Is it first time you used flora-kleen?
  5. nameno

    Water and nutrition

    Changing it every 7-10 days work well for me,it'll take care of a problem before I spot it.
  6. nameno

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Raising humidity is the easiest of things to do,just wet a towel & hang it in the room is what I do rather than humidifier.
  7. nameno

    Bugs or?

    I'm no help I'm just hanging round to see the answer. Mine had something similar going on,I'm hydro,I think changing my res fixed mine. GL
  8. nameno

    Plant Problem - lobster claw

    Sounds like overfert to me.
  9. nameno

    Noob, need "idiots guide to nutes" lol.

    I never grew soil,I see you never grew hydro?lol
  10. nameno

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    I'm so lost I thought the strawberry banana was 1 plant,when you asked about it I thought"don't know about that taste". I'm southeast US we want to legalize,we just got to get some money up to buy a politician & those with the power can be costly.Yee-high we got the best gov ever sold...
  11. nameno

    Attitudes strange delivery route.

    Could dodging Chi-town be part of some new stealth,since all of them are working on that?
  12. nameno

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Glad to see you back! hsf
  13. nameno

    Root Rot? or Nutrient Deficiency

    I remember years ago having to let water sit out for a time to get rid of chlorine,then 1 of the master growers said it was not necessary.I was so glad to find that to be true,I haven't let water sit out for over 3 years now. No problem. GL,GG,&HY!
  14. nameno

    First time making BUBBLE HASH..

    how much you working with? Can I watch? (I say that a lot lately)lol
  15. nameno

    Black roots: color from nutes?

    Thank You! I looked back in your threads you described mine & then showed me pictures. I was fixing to go take care of them until I saw that now I'm going to march them outside. Saved me some time & money,TY
  16. nameno

    Im scared! Please help

    What kind of relationship do you have with God?
  17. nameno

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Sorry I missed this post. The way I remember Del tried different breeders 'till he hit on bomb,he said then that bomb fit 12x12 well & he went to town on them steady working with them.Bomb turned out good in anybodies book. I want to find a strain that fits my operation,then settle down and...
  18. nameno

    Black roots: color from nutes?

    I got some looks like that. I got sloppy adding some ph down & wonder did that do it I had a small plastic bag that had a little of that mixture in it & it looked a lot like it. They not slick,don't smell,been like that at least 2 weeks. Is it possible you got some ph down on the roots...
  19. nameno

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Del, What you running now? I remember when you went with bomb & then making your own,what you got new in the book? I'm just starting to see some things you saw years ago. & Thanks!
  20. nameno

    No nutes, week 2 flowering, do i need?

    Can you get Jacks?