I typed this before & hit cancel it just don't sound real & I didn't take pictures.I had 2 plants 1 bucket got root rot or whatever that slime is.Was going to throw both away,cut it at the top of r/w just stuck it in some water with 10mg of rapid start3 weeks later I put it in a bucket with...
I'm so lost I thought the strawberry banana was 1 plant,when you asked about it I thought"don't know about that taste".
I'm southeast US we want to legalize,we just got to get some money up to buy a politician & those with the power can
be costly.Yee-high we got the best gov ever sold...
I remember years ago having to let water sit out for a time to get rid of chlorine,then 1 of the master growers
said it was not necessary.I was so glad to find that to be true,I haven't let water sit out for over 3 years now.
No problem. GL,GG,&HY!
Thank You! I looked back in your threads you described mine & then showed me pictures. I was fixing
to go take care of them until I saw that now I'm going to march them outside.
Saved me some time & money,TY
Sorry I missed this post. The way I remember Del tried different breeders 'till he hit on bomb,he said then that bomb fit 12x12 well & he went to town on them steady working with them.Bomb turned out good in anybodies book.
I want to find a strain that fits my operation,then settle down and...
I got some looks like that. I got sloppy adding some ph down & wonder did that do it
I had a small plastic bag that had a little of that mixture in it & it looked a lot like it.
They not slick,don't smell,been like that at least 2 weeks.
Is it possible you got some ph down on the roots...
Del, What you running now? I remember when you went with bomb & then making your own,what you got new in the book? I'm just starting to see some things you saw years ago. & Thanks!