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  1. canuckgrow

    Marijuana dETOX

    This is why I work for myself and myself every time,never fails,sure fire method to beat any drug test.
  2. canuckgrow

    Good rap??

    the one and only real rap song.
  3. canuckgrow

    Fist Thing You Smoked Out Of?

    Little teeny weeny pin joint that we paid $2 for.....Later on I went on to roll joints with bible paper.
  4. canuckgrow

    Who cant roll a joint

    My brother is the same....they are all pregnant and then the topper is he puts friggin tobacco in them. Ewwwwww.
  5. canuckgrow

    Wtf do I say?

    Good call.....Could have been one of those FBI bait catsers...Looking for Internet child stalkers
  6. canuckgrow

    Man Panty Sniffers

    You show him some of those pretty underthings of yours and if he isn't gay he will like it.
  7. canuckgrow

    Do You Prefer Taste Over High Or Vice Versa?

    I have never had weed that tasted good and didn't get me blasted.
  8. canuckgrow

    Well its true girl......The dude below is a 30 yr old college dropout who lives in his parents...

    Well its true girl......The dude below is a 30 yr old college dropout who lives in his parents basement and has no life offline.....He is what we call a troll........And yes I am fine the least of my worries would be lowlifes like him......thanks for your concern though it was sweet.
  9. canuckgrow

    Let's get to know RIU!

    Me Neither
  10. canuckgrow

    OMFG!!!!! HELP! Got myself in serious trouble

    Please give up on weed and move on up to Meth if you haven't already.
  11. canuckgrow

    What's your Avatar about?

    Canadian Beaver
  12. canuckgrow

    Man Panty Sniffers

    Stalker LOL
  13. canuckgrow

    back from nyc lol

    spazing out on someone in NYC is a brave thing to do. New Yorkers don't funck around LOL.
  14. canuckgrow

    It happened again..

    yes they are dedicating large amounts of resources just to get your single plant grow shut down LOL....wee bit of paranoia is actually healthy but I think you may have crossed over to the unhealthy level of paranoia.
  15. canuckgrow

    Ever hate someone on here?

    Being a professional driver and having a few million miles under my belt I can tell you that the incidents of people actually doing below the speed limit are few and far between. What is far more common is the person doing way above the speed limit getting pissy because the person in front of...
  16. canuckgrow

    Ever hate someone on here?

    I never hate the person just the things they do......Kinda feel Sympathy for the really stupid ones we all encounter on a daily basis.
  17. canuckgrow

    what's your dream car??

    Moonlight blue Porche GT3 black tint black chrome rims no graphics just mean looking.
  18. canuckgrow

    Let's have a good vibe emanating beautiful love thread

    I love this....6 pack of coors light 2 j's of good afghanni black hash aside this shit rocks...bongsmilie
  19. canuckgrow

    good and bad weekend ahead lol

    NYC is a great place to visit but once you move there its over...You are then a New Yorker.
  20. canuckgrow

    Man Panty Sniffers

    I'll give a 1/4 p pf good kushy to the first dude that can sniff my shorts today.......Started sweating at 6am EST today and I'm not done yet.....Almost ripe enough LOL