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  1. G

    Northern Lights

    Should this plant be able to finish before it gets to cold?
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    Outdoor growing question.

    what happens if it needs to be cut down early. less bud obviously but is it less thc?
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    Northern Lights

    Yeah i toped it early on. And i got these northern lights seeds from the site also.
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    Northern Lights

    actually i didnt knock it down. that plant was started indoor and when i went out to find a spot in the field for it there was a clearing. just put it there
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    Outdoor growing question.

    any1??? .
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    Northern Lights

    Its near the end of august im hoping she starts budding soon?!
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    Outdoor growing question.

    bumppppp .
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    Outdoor growing question.

    Heres the plant still no signs of flowering.
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    Outdoor growing question.

    When is the latest they will be flowering.
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    Outdoor growing question.

    will the fact that its a late bloomer make for a smaller yield?
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    Outdoor growing question.

    When do plants start flowering outdoor in PA. because it getting close to the end of august and i have a 4 ft plant that shows no sign of flowering yet.
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    Auto Ak47brownish yellow tips

    those pics are somewhat similar but on my plant its the tips that are drying and curing in a little
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    Auto Ak47brownish yellow tips

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    Auto Ak47brownish yellow tips

    The only two that have the problem are the ones on the left. im afraid that more leaves may start doing this aswell. Anything i can do to fix this.
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    Auto Ak47 Grow

    2 32w 6500 cfls 1 23w 2700 cfl.
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    Auto Ak47 Grow
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    Auto Ak47 Grow

    should i top it?
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    Auto Ak47 Grow

    should i top it?
  19. G

    Corn field grow risks?

    What are the helicopters looking for when they search fields. Are they only looking for the big crops or will they stop for a couple plants aswell? i have 3 all but full grown plants and im worried they will stop if they see them.
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    Auto Ak47 Grow

    dude my plant is growing faster than any other ive done. Idk if all aotoflower plants grow this fast cus its my first autoflowering strain. but i only took that vid 5 days ago and the plant has trippled in size. ill put up another vid tom.