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  1. grimzuchini

    Mildew Problem Help

    Hi Newbiegrower34, There are a number of fungicide products you can buy that have graduated levels of toxicity (from the harshest chemicals to harmless organics). Just do a quick google search and you will see plenty of options. I personally use green cure as diabolical666 has suggested when...
  2. grimzuchini

    back for the first time, michigan guerrilla grow MI purps

    Hi Spenc2k15, Its been a while. How'd it go? Grim
  3. grimzuchini

    Anyone quit their job to grow full time?

    Hi all, I have learned a lot reading this thread and I too have really true to get myself to quit my job and go full time with my grow. I have a garage as you all say that is currently producing a pound a month at the most (it's just a hobby for now), but I have plenty of cash to get much much...
  4. grimzuchini


    Sorry to hear that man :/. Definitely been in your shoes before. Best of luck on the mothers! -Grim
  5. grimzuchini

    My first grow: Lights, Fertilizers? [weekly updates]

    Hi Comsci, I am a pure hydro guy so my responses to your questions may not be pro tips, but I have heard a lot from others growing in soil on this site. Why your first seed did not make it: it had nothing to do with your lighting. seeds can sprout with no lighting at all, and need very little...
  6. grimzuchini

    Tangerine dream trouble!

    Hi seanys mokes, Glad you were able to sort the problem out! The pictures look amazing for that smaller led! Nice work man. -Grim
  7. grimzuchini

    Seedsman - Northern Lights verification

    Hi Scuuby Snax, I agree with haloman420. When a seed bank says 100% indica or sativa, what they actually mean is its 90% or more. It is also immposible to know without a doubt what genetic cross your plant is by just looking at it. With that said, I have grown many different strains from seed...
  8. grimzuchini


    I actually think they can bounce back. Lack of water is one of the more correctable things. It looks brutal, but plants are a little more resilient than people think. As the other poster said, the yield will suffer. I say just give them the water and see what happens. If they bounce back than...
  9. grimzuchini


    Hmmm, I couldn't see the plant re-vegging with only small 5 min intervals of no light. Think about it. The plant isn't getting more light that would be needed to make it re-veg. In fact, it is getting less than 12 hours total at this point. Now is it stretching due to the stress from the lights...
  10. grimzuchini

    Back again. Is this nute burn or a deficiency?

    I just heard that temp fluctuations can do weird things to the ph but can't confirm with personal experience. Sounds like that is probable with your situation. Hopefully someone else just chimes in. But you are totally right to try and keep those res temps down. Root rot blows! -Grim
  11. grimzuchini

    Back again. Is this nute burn or a deficiency?

    I agree, it's definitely a quick swing. Maybe large temperature fluctuations?
  12. grimzuchini

    Back again. Is this nute burn or a deficiency?

    Yeah that's some good tap water! I say use tap if you can. My tap is 320 ppm :'( and the chlorine/chloramine content is really high. I was able to buy an RO kit offline for only 70 bucks and it's been the best deal ever. Why does the ph continue to fall? Well it could be a number of things...
  13. grimzuchini

    Back again. Is this nute burn or a deficiency?

    In my opinion, most 2 or 3 part nutes are fine by themselves and don't NEED additional supplements (but the supplements definitely help if used correctly). However, if you are using RO as I do, than I do recommend a calmag supplement. Best thing you can do is read the nute labels. Do they...
  14. grimzuchini

    Back again. Is this nute burn or a deficiency?

    Hi Azraelstrom, If you are only at 389 ppm, I would say it is the opposite. This is probably a Deficency. What kind? Who cares, just mix up some more nutes and try to get the ppm to 600. Honestly your plants look overall really healthy. Not spectacular or anything, but certainly nothing to be...
  15. grimzuchini

    Save my plant

    Hi Disturbed_Freak, Judging by the rest of the leaves in your picture the plant seems to be very happy. since this leaf only has 3 blades, I am assuming it is early growth from a new node. If this leaf was grown while the plant had just suffered a transplant or cloning than that is the reason...
  16. grimzuchini

    White widow

    Hi DG1959, As the poster above me stated, this is really good news for you! Good genetics. Believe me, if you want her to stretch more, there are plenty of ways to make it happen. I have grown WW myself and it didn't seem to grow with any less node spacing than my other hybrid strains. Once we...
  17. grimzuchini

    Dried and cured bud turning white

    Hi Horsetooth, So I am just now beginning to have the SAME problem as you but not nearly as bad yet. A few of my buds that have been in the jar for a while are getting a much lighter tint (they still smoke very well haha). I agree that it isnt mold or at least doesn't look like mold. I did hear...
  18. grimzuchini


    Hi Walterwhite810, They definitely dried out (otherwise they look like they were going to give you a bountiful yield :) ). I'm a little surprised they could drink the water that fast. The res didn't leak or anything right? To diagnose why this happened, we will need info on what kind of...
  19. grimzuchini


    Hi c_toke_420, I am having trouble fully understanding your post but it sounds like your light is going out once in a while in 5 min intervals. If this is the case, there is no reason to re-veg the plant. A few minutes of darkness every now and again shouldn't be a big issue. Further, you could...
  20. grimzuchini

    leaving plant in the pot to dry out in the dark for 72hr question ??

    Oh and yeah that makes sense on How flushing soil doesn't make sense. I just have never even tried growing with soil so I clearly don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to soil.