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  1. Johnny_Random

    Bug ID help!

    Haha, well put. Might try that
  2. Johnny_Random

    To cap or not to cap?! Tips please!

    So would I be able to get away w/ 90% light reduction? I'm thinking on leaving sides open to let air through so doesn't get to hot.
  3. Johnny_Random

    To cap or not to cap?! Tips please!

    Both awesome tips, thnx guys. I'm thinking along the same lines. I'm going to put a frame I can put drop sheets over w/out touching her. Then once we start dropping below 10c I'll leave covered overnight so I don't have dew to frost over. I'm hoping this should buy me a couple weeks? You guys...
  4. Johnny_Random

    Bug ID help!

    Sure hope so, I'm worried about using the neem oil as well. Iv read it can shock plant but hope is lesser of to evils.
  5. Johnny_Random

    To cap or not to cap?! Tips please!

    Hey ppls, So first time grower, only tried 1 this year & it got huge! Had to tie her over after she hit 7'. I'm not 100% on strain but I believe she's silver haze. I'm going on week 16 of veg cycle w/ no real sign of flowering. I'm getting 14 hours of daylight right now & frost for us isn't...
  6. Johnny_Random

    Bug ID help!

    I'm having the same problem, been using soap not helping at all. I'm wondering if they aren't thrips? I'm picking up some over the counter neem oil, I'll post results.