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  1. BodyBag746

    Anything I can do better?

    My big plant is 50 days exactly today. It has had a couple problems such a root damage and fed it too much water twice. It’s under 2 1200w 600w actual power LED light veg/bloom both on for 18/6. Is they’re anything I can do to get it more ready for flower? Need some help with that. Not using any...
  2. BodyBag746

    Was wondering my plant leaves are drooping

    I’m using miracle grow
  3. BodyBag746

    Was wondering my plant leaves are drooping

    I did some defoliation I just need to get the soft ties to be able to start lst
  4. BodyBag746

    Was wondering my plant leaves are drooping

    See I’m not sure how much exactly I should be watering I’ve been giving it 3 cups everyday with temps at 80-82
  5. BodyBag746

    Will these leaves recover?

    Cut off dead leafs so new growth can come in. Don’t want the infected infecting lol
  6. BodyBag746

    Was wondering my plant leaves are drooping

    I haven’t watered for 2 days and yesterday she was all perked up growing nice. Turned the light off and woke up and turned me on and she was droopin. Any ideas? Please help
  7. BodyBag746

    Wondering about temp

  8. BodyBag746

    Wondering about temp

    Okay also how can I get the temp to go down? It’s 80 in the morning then goes up to 82-84 during the day.
  9. BodyBag746

    Wondering about temp

    What should my temp be at inside my grow house? 70-80? Or. Also can I use hemp wick to tie down my branches?
  10. BodyBag746

    Help my leafs are droopin after transplant.

    Yeah that’s why I stopped watering so much. The roots weren’t getting strong and thus that’s why they broke when translating. Live and learn never again will I over water haha
  11. BodyBag746

    Help my leafs are droopin after transplant.

    Okay where should I top my plant at? I have the pic up there ^^
  12. BodyBag746

    Help my leafs are droopin after transplant.

    That’s what happen to me and why it looked the way it did when I posted the thread. It was stunned from how much water I put in. I can’t ever get any runoff however, I’m using a jeria grow bag 5 gallons. I also cut hole in the side of it to be able to breathe a little bit. Seem really tight...
  13. BodyBag746

    Help my leafs are droopin after transplant.

    So I want to top my plant. Should I be cutting Lines number 1 or number 2? I don’t want to Do a fim. And I need to get the leaves on the inside some sunlight. She’s doing really good after couple days when I posted this thread. Left her alone for 2-3 days no water and she looks amazing. Thank...
  14. BodyBag746

    Help my leafs are droopin after transplant.

    I wanna plant my other 2 plants but I think ima wait to plant another till this ones about half way thru. That way I can have the 2nd plant almost ready to flowering by the time I’m done trimming
  15. BodyBag746

    Help my leafs are droopin after transplant.

    She was exhausted haha. Every night now she dropping. Going to add another light today
  16. BodyBag746

    Help my leafs are droopin after transplant.

    Look at her getting back to normal :razz:
  17. BodyBag746

    Help my leafs are droopin after transplant.

    Pretty sure it was the ceramic pot I was uaing Ceramic pot
  18. BodyBag746

    Help my leafs are droopin after transplant.

    So what I mean is instead of all the dirt coming out when I had taken the plant out there was an inch of dirt left and it all the good roots
  19. BodyBag746

    Help my leafs are droopin after transplant.

    Thank you guys. You think the roots are suffocating from the transfer? Or wha? I wanna know cuz I gotta do it again soon
  20. BodyBag746

    Help my leafs are droopin after transplant.

    I drenched tf outta it. Waited for run off and I never got any... I watered like 2 gallons into it cuz I wanted the runoff nothing. So I just let it sit and that’s how’s it’s been looking.