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  1. M

    dots on leaves ?

    Is it affecting any other leaves to any other varying degrees?
  2. M

    Deficiency problem?! Please help, I have photos

    Looks like progressive phosphorus deficiency
  3. M

    Help with outdoor grow

    I disagree with boron deficient, those signs start from the base of the fan leaf and worth their way outward on the leaf. Plus it’s extremely rare and hard to get with use of nutrient supplementation
  4. M

    White stuff in the soil

    The Mold should t cause a problem if you fix it now, it’s also overwatered quite a bit
  5. M

    Brown blotches on leaves

    What’s your npk values, I’m running bloom right now and have a bit of this issue but my pk is whack right now
  6. M

    Hi people i planted a poyote critical seed least 3 months ago..i never germinated it .never do just stright into a 20lt pot

    Or do the pot lifting method, wait till it’s bone dry and lift it, then use that as a guideline on when to water
  7. M

    Hi people i planted a poyote critical seed least 3 months ago..i never germinated it .never do just stright into a 20lt pot

    Go like half litre per gallon of pot, if you have to go buy a cheap moisture meter from Walmart garden area or a gardening Center and stick it right by the base, or dig 2 inches (not Recommended you could mess up a ton of roots)
  8. M

    What’s wrong and how to fix!

    Put some pics without the blurple on
  9. M

    Hi people i planted a poyote critical seed least 3 months ago..i never germinated it .never do just stright into a 20lt pot

    When I switched to bloom I gave it a big watering with good amount of nutes and did a 18hr light and afterwards slammed it into 48 hours of straight darkness, it shot up about 6 inches when I reopened the tent afterwards
  10. M

    Hi people i planted a poyote critical seed least 3 months ago..i never germinated it .never do just stright into a 20lt pot

    Could be lack of light but it doesn’t look like it’s struggling just fat and bloated, how many hours of direct light does it receive
  11. M

    Help with outdoor grow

    What nutes are you using, how much. The rust usually can be brought up to ph, p, or k values out of whack. By adjusting the ph it could have gone into a ph swing and that’s just as bad as bad ph, should take a little time to level out. There’s a few light green leaves on high shows me nitrogen...
  12. M

    About to buy this mars hydro

    Spider farmer is fantastic if you’ve looked at those, there’s a higher and more even output compared to mars, Migrow did a fantastic budget grow light test go check them out. I personally have the sf2000 and it’s fantastic.
  13. M


    Look like underwatering, I know you said you’ve tried all of that but how often are you watering? And how much per how many gal pot?
  14. M

    White stuff in the soil

    It’s Mold, any fans in the room? Constant air movement is necessary
  15. M

    Hi people i planted a poyote critical seed least 3 months ago..i never germinated it .never do just stright into a 20lt pot

    Plant looks great honestly, the droop, how often are you watering it and with what are you watering With now?
  16. M

    Safe to add nutes?

    For sure, what I meant was less time if you over did it and had to wait a week for it to recover
  17. M

    Greenhouse Vs. Indoor Grow Room?

    Cost? Handmade greenhouse with plastic panels, maybe 6-800 bucks, pre made, several thousand. Indoor 10x10 3k to infinity it entirely depends on what you want from it, if you have the skills and tools building your own green house is most cost effective if you’re a casual smoker the harvest...
  18. M

    Do the main stalks on your plant straighten out after u stop lst’ing them ?

    They will, I have mine tied down to a rope made netting and they’ve moved an inch or so trying to reach the light as they grow.
  19. M

    Question on mainlining/nugbucket

    I see, you’re worried about more than 8 shoots, or creating anymore from the topping, honestly if you have The space you could go as big as you wanted with the right size pot and nutrient regimen. I’d just judge based on your grow area, if they are too close for comfort about a week or two into...
  20. M

    Dark purple color - should I be worried?

    Not to worry, no sign of bud rot on leaves or stems, great purple genetics