The Thomas C Slater Compassion center finally got the ok to purchase excess meds from the c/g's (and patients) for the opening on the 19th. If you are interested, please contact the center at (401) 274-1000 and ask for the procurement dept to make an appointment. No walk-ins please.
Grow 'em up!!
This is just a hearing but as the term implies,'s a place to be heard.
If anyone does decide to go, try and be as respectful and presentable as possible. We'll see you there
The centers will be front row me psychic in a few years but ......
EVEN IF the centers plan was to wipe out the c/g's and then not meet supply and have new legislation done to address it, maybe set up commercial grows,.....EVEN IF that were their plan, I think they know that...
From what I understand, it's another smokescreen bill like the one where they wanted to remove c/g's......used to distract or barter against, another proposed bill.
Also, I understand it,....the Dispensaries and RIPAC will be leading the fight against it.
Old times again Flyr,.....round...
Thanks & ur welcome Username, glad they helped :leaf:
When it comes to defoliation, you will find OODLES of info and opinions. 2 major camps. The "do it" camp and the "dont do it" camp,lol. I, personally, believe defoliation for yield is like bombing for peace or fucking for abstinence. I...
Glad u guys had a good time. Fyi, If watching tests run thru the machine is your thing, Jamie would be happy to let u watch a bit down at the lab, shoot he'd probably put u to work,lol...., just stop in sometime.
Yikes! $200 cap here. Not the point though. Just like the tuna industry down the cape, once the few in control get in cahoots, they control the market. The legal one anyway. These are different times, if they don't do it right, the public WILL get vocal out in front of your store but if u...
I wouldn't change too much, looks great in there. Remember, there's a big difference between lollipopping and removing specific, non productive portions of the plant. As stated above, play, experiment, best way to learn.
Sure man,...If you need to run it that long for other reasons, do 2 things
1. Use insulated duct, the residual heat will come of that ducting and back into the room otherwise
2. Save a little dough and just use an inline assist fan from Home depot instead of another 420 on the other...
I would shorten the run on the filter, bring it closer to the wall separating the 5x 8'7" room from the flower room. Shorter run, makes ur fan more efficient. I think your reasoning is that u want to pull air from the far side of the room but if your secondary fans that are blowing the air...
BB's Cheese is a great strain and a great parent for a few other classics like Chiesel, Blue Cheese (no one does that one like big budda), cheez wreck, etc.
to the OP,...check the tutorials in my sig, great for tents!
By monopoly, the dispensaries will be the ONLY place you can get it. You're stuck with their prices, no c/g's, no growing unless hardship is proven (detailed and not easy), yadda yadda
Howdy folks, I'm a RI caregiver but I care about my neighbors so I thought I'd come remind you all that your voices need to be heard at the hearings on april 19th regarding your rights as a patient or c/g to grow. Mass has a real shitty, dispensary monopoly thing that is in the works,...DON'T...
Close but just off a little bit.
There can be a transaction between ANY Ri cardholder, patient or c/g as long as NO COMPENSATION is passed. That amendment was called "The gifting amendment" and was designed to make meds more available when the gov put the halt on issuing the licenses...
Howdy Neighbor.
I'm a RI'r but I do lots of things with folks in Ct that I met on a forum board about 15 yrs ago. My friends down your way do all the genetic isolation for any of the strains I come up with. Got a few old coots with a few tobacco barns if you know what I mean,lol. These old...