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  1. shannonball

    LA Con Strain Report

    absolutely great smoke. one of favorites!
  2. shannonball

    Submerse Seeds or Straight to Wet Paper Towel? Best Method?

    paper towel is not fool proof. you can rot and/or drown them just the say. if the seeds are fresh then follow Manadela's method. Soaking seeds in water/wet paper towels is a method which can be used for old seeds (3+ years) that are drying up and losing germination power; and for pure land...
  3. shannonball

    Seeds Crack Wont Grow?

    read this guide to germing seeds. out of 9 grows 100% success. Assuming you are using fresh seeds. Germination Guide Mandala Seeds places great emphasis on the quality of the seed stock. We guarantee that the seeds from all products are...
  4. shannonball

    Submerse Seeds or Straight to Wet Paper Towel? Best Method?

    those are the two best ways to drown your seeds if they are fresh. the best way we've found was this method. out of 9 grows 100% success rate in germinating. Germination Guide Mandala Seeds places great emphasis on the quality of the seed...
  5. shannonball

    LA Con Strain Report

    we grew one plant about two years ago and it is amazing weed. its definitely one of our all-time favorite buds to smoke. only got around 2 oz from it but it was very tasty.
  6. shannonball

    Whats Gone Wrong ?

    looks like you used too much fert's and the soil looks really wet. If you flushed them don't hit them with ferts again. wait until the soil drys out, then water lightly, then the next time you can use like 1/2 strength.
  7. shannonball

    Is It Possible to Send Weed in the Mail?

    vacuum pack it in a jar and wrap in bubble wrap. include something like a box of tea. coffee they tend to watch for as its a known method so don't use that. wipe the jar down after sealing it using alcohol to make sure there is no resin on it. use a priority shipping box.
  8. shannonball

    The police have a a new canabis detection device.

    they need probable cause to get a search warrant and no judge is going to give them one because they picked up the sound of a fan. they need evidence beyond that. also they can't just drive around looking at houses with a machine and search them. its not anything to worry about unless you are...
  9. shannonball

    Male or Female/How Dose It Look (Pics Inside)

    looks like it could be a girl another couple of days and you should know for sure.
  10. shannonball

    Hermies? Day 16

    yep you could try to cut them off and see what happens but if its loaded with them...time to start over!
  11. shannonball

    After 8 Weeks of Flowering

    What i mean by "ready when its ready" its at the point in flowering where the trich's are partially amber around 20-30%. They will continue to turn for a day or two after harvest. Some people like them when they are cloudy, others when they are more than 20-30%; so ready when ready is whenever...
  12. shannonball

    Secret Jardin Darkroom Club

    like assholes everyone has an opinion. never had a problem ours and its going on three years and a lot of grows. this includes a lot take downs and then putting the tent back up after each grow and we've never a light leak or zipper problem.
  13. shannonball

    Secret Jardin Darkroom Club

    measure them and determine the width and length of your tent do some math and there you go. really depends on how wide the pots are and how crowded you want them.
  14. shannonball

    Drooping Plants (Day 23 of Veg)

    your pots are too most likely too small and probably root-bound. so transplant them and they'll perk up. make sure you fill the pots all the way to the top. then water the soil completely so it settles then add more if needed and move your plant in. there is no reason not to use as much of the...
  15. shannonball

    Looking for Bushy

    exactly. most indica plants grow short/busy, especially if you keep the light close during the veg stage (w/out burning or frying the leaves of course). LA Confidental is a great short, bushy plant.
  16. shannonball

    What is the Fastest Auto Flower?

    how about typing in real english and forget the ebonics speak?
  17. shannonball

    After 8 Weeks of Flowering

    i agree. they are ready when they are ready. we use the number of weeks only as a guide nothing else. if the seed company says 8 weeks we know that from week 6-10 we'll possibly be harvesting. we've had plants that said 10 weeks be done in eight and others take longer. there are some variables...
  18. shannonball

    T5 and How Close does it Need to be for 4000 lumes?

    get the plants as close as you can to the light so they don't stretch out and become all spindly. have a 6 inch fan blowing (oscillating) over them to help strengthen them and keep them cool and comfortable. temps should be around 80 +/-
  19. shannonball

    Plant Dying from Bottom Up and Flowering

    come on dude what are you thinking? have you done any amount of research or reading on this site about growing? 8 inch pots and three weeks into flowering. what are you growing Bonsai plants or something. At four weeks of vegging you should be in 3-5 gallon pots if you plan on harvesting a...
  20. shannonball

    Humidity Problem

    get a couple of clip on 6" fans going to move the air around in addition to the inline can-fan which will keep the heat down but not move the air to help dispense the humidity.