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  1. shannonball

    To Prune or Not to Prune...

    no, don't do it. the plant uses those and all leaves for its development. please read and research more. you'll see that is a no no. of course there are some who do it anyway.
  2. shannonball

    Whats the best bud youve evr smoked??

    stowandgrow, check out this link on kali mist aka western winds. started smoking WW back in 97 in AMS, brought back a bunch of seeds from Sagamantha. thought you might be interested in reading about it
  3. shannonball

    flowering recipe

    have you done any research on your own or just expecting us to tell you what to do?
  4. shannonball

    attic growing question

    hope that answers your question about the attic.
  5. shannonball

    Whats wrong with my plants here (pics) my first sativa grow

    here are some five weeks into flower. also your light is wayyyy to high up. you have fans in there blowing? you should.
  6. shannonball

    Whats wrong with my plants here (pics) my first sativa grow

    lights are too far away, the plants look like too much N and water. once a week for something so small and spindly. the soil should be dry and starting to pull away from the sides. if the pots feel lite then they are ready to water. after you water them pick them up and see how they feel and...
  7. shannonball

    attic growing question

    it will get wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy to hot up there in the summer and even the early fall. in the winter, you'll need heat. not a good idea. use a basement or outdoor shed if you have one, even one of those plastic ones from home depot for like 500 bucks.
  8. shannonball

    Nice Bong Pics!

    I love my bong hitting wife!
  9. shannonball

    flowering recipe

    molasses the last two weeks or so, we don't use the other stuff. we like blue mountain organics and their lineup for growing and flowering. no need to get overly complicated
  10. shannonball

    Whats the best bud youve evr smoked??

    LA confidential, greenhouse's lemon haze, western winds, manatuska tundra (sp??), all were great and each different. depends and what kind of stone you are in the mood for
  11. shannonball

    HPS conversion bulb any good?

    yeah they work fine. we have a hps system and use a MH conversion bulb. just make sure your using the right conversion bulb.
  12. shannonball

    400w HPS in cabinet ok?

    you'll need serious ventilation on something that small with a 400 watt. have it ready b4 you turn it gonna get hot in there.
  13. shannonball

    The official fox farms® thread

    GoldenGanja13 was it the FF or that you had Jesus and the apostles watching over your grow?
  14. shannonball

    The official fox farms® thread

    here's the link to one plant called Opium that we grew. The seeds came from Paradise Seeds. Managed to get a little over 4oz from here. indoor grow using FFOF and Blue Mountain Organics. pure heaven to smoke.
  15. shannonball

    What's everbody smokin' on and flowerin?

    thank you Tw3nti3ight.
  16. shannonball

    What's everbody smokin' on and flowerin?

    poplars you are wrong. That is my actual photo that I am using as my avatar.
  17. shannonball

    What's everbody smokin' on and flowerin?

    Opium from Paradise Seeds, Shunk2 XA3 and LA Confidental
  18. shannonball

    hey good to hear from you. mike asked if you had emailed lately. glad to here the floods didn't...

    hey good to hear from you. mike asked if you had emailed lately. glad to here the floods didn't get you and you have some grows going on. just finished that one opium plant. Dried it for 5 days and have in curing now. sure smells great. i think we got close to four oz of it. which should last a...
  19. shannonball

    Are my Blue Dream Buds ready to be picked?!?

    tric's are the most reliable way to determine if they are done. No one here can honestly tell you that no matter what they say, unless you have a macro lenses that will allow you to photograph the trics up close to determine where they are in the process. Sativas and indica trics are different...
  20. shannonball

    Western Winds

    Western Winds is a fantastic plant to grow.