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  1. SketchyGrower

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    Put some robitussin on it... Should be good
  2. SketchyGrower

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    One day I'll own his fugu... Such an awesome name... What you got? Got that fugu son... 36 chambers of death!
  3. SketchyGrower

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    That sounds magically delicious
  4. SketchyGrower

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    in regards to bodhi canna sitter....son of a bitch ..ass....ass ..fucking, Mothers, bitch, poop on your chest..... GhaaaaA! 15!!!
  5. SketchyGrower

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    truth! took some cut's off the Dawg tonight. princess is still looking like I could hold off till she is a little more bushed out... also gripped up a pair of Method Sevens at the grow shop. personally worth every penny ;)
  6. SketchyGrower

    question for swerve

    .......................................^ (slaps forehead and moves on)
  7. SketchyGrower

    question for swerve

    What is selfing? Contributed by Vic High: As the title implies, the main drawback to selfing cannabis plants is that you loose the male portion of your population, making future crosses difficult. Some think that by selfing a plant, all the offspring will turn out just like mom. That is only...
  8. SketchyGrower

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    lucky duck! lol wanted them HH myself
  9. SketchyGrower

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    good to know. I had to put a cap on spending on beans. Bodhi is pretty much the solo exception.. P.S. S.DaWg is HUGE!! lol the princess is getting some nice nice growth on her to btw ;) can't wait to clone and flower these!!
  10. SketchyGrower

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    Too bad I don't buy from them :(
  11. SketchyGrower

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    looks like some fire plus.. it's got Magoo in it :)
  12. SketchyGrower

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    My grow has been FUBAR! Sense the plush. My fault completely (never cleaned after the hermi jizzed all over) stupid! To say the very least. And now the 2nd run of the IHF2 is also seeded to. The summer has humbled me. HA! Also the reason I have added no pics lately...also a big reason for the...
  13. SketchyGrower

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    Be having the same adventure tonight!
  14. SketchyGrower

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    Wow, this is now the "insert your fucking problem" thread. Peace out "true"
  15. SketchyGrower

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    Just stopping in... Heading to "share a spliff" party Have fun you seed loving hooligans ;)
  16. SketchyGrower

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    Word!! Gorilla Growers are my Hero's.
  17. SketchyGrower

    michigan card renewal 2012..

    Just sent in today for mine let the count down begin.
  18. SketchyGrower

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    I feel lame... I have one winner 1. o.g purple kush 2. Unknown 3 Unknown
  19. SketchyGrower

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    My cock is bigger then yours
  20. SketchyGrower

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    Damn... Sorry to hear this! ^ Sending a speech to the higher dimensional beings. I hope/wish you and your fam can bring comfort to your little bro for the time he has left