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  1. O

    3 QB 96 on Inventronics EUC-320S490DT

    Put the drivers outside the tent or room.... ?
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    DIY Aeroponic grow 4x4 tent LED

    Time for defiliation and could get rid of half your total foliage focusing on the bottom half of the plant which will amount to nothing anyways
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    My plant

    Not sure I get the question.... But no topping has no effect on the gender or the plant showing its sex. You need to trigger flowering by shortening the days to 12 hours to then see what gender it is
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    Why hydro?

    Yeah Elon.... we know its you.... its not a subtle pseudonym
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    Why hydro?

    Its cleaner, easier to automate... and better yields. Also... "hydroponic shop" is synonymous to "specialist weed gardening shop".... they all sell specialist soil and all the kit.
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    Solo cup challenge 21/22

    Didn't see this... please add me
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    Solo cup challenge 21/22

    Never done an auto... but gonna crack this tonight....
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    Flush or wait another week to start?

    What everyone is saying is.... dont bother flushing.... use weaker nutes. I don't see any brown trichromes. I woukd still feed quite strong for another week and then use half strength or even quarter
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    Wow... that'd basically blue.... maybe the red leds subsadise that temp in a way.
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    Probably.... to put it in perspective.... I just started some new clones yesterday under my flower room lights and I stuck some paper towel on top of the dome to block the light. Too much light promotes top growth when you want root growth. Also make sure you have a dark period.
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    Th seeds pheno hunt and geekbeast lught test

    I was until the end where I had to ramp up the dehu. In the future I'll have to follow vpd the go as dry as possible at week 4. My situation is far from sanitary so can only control conditions.
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    Th seeds pheno hunt and geekbeast lught test

    Ended up chopping at 70 days due to mold in a couple of plants. I'll be running them all again and keeping the room warm as possible. I salvaged a lot and they are in the auto burper now.
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    Lol... fucking Norman's! Wankers

    Lol... fucking Norman's! Wankers
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    DWC problem

    Common with small systems.... this is why people do rdwc. You probably need more water. Or you'll have to swap the water more regularly. Are you cleaning everything and you you use hydroguard? Any microbial activity can consume your nutes and change the ph.
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    You got my point though.... I believe your genuine but also.most Americans say they are...

    You got my point though.... I believe your genuine but also.most Americans say they are Irish.... just like I'm a Norman.
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    Clawing - Too many things cause it and I'm confused

    Too much nitrogen although... thisnis an old issue too late to fix. See your new growth is not really dark green so I think your OK now
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    How do I get big buds by end of bloom

    Iys either a 1x1 or a 1.2x1.2.... the former i think
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    How do I get big buds by end of bloom

    Cut whole plant... remove larger leaves. Hang upside down at 60%rh 21c. For 8 to 10 ish days... then I trim and put in plastic tubs. At that point I'm trying to "even out" the moisture. The moisture from the core of the buds works it'd way outwards.... I open the tubs for shortening periods of...