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  1. saynotothebs

    Are there any good things about a stretched plant

    just give em more lights and a fan so the stems can get can do it...
  2. saynotothebs

    How much do you smoke per week???

    yea the grade does matter...seems like the more i have though the more i want to smoke...
  3. saynotothebs

    NewsPaper Grow bags?

    are these plastic bags or paper, plastic may work...
  4. saynotothebs

    NewsPaper Grow bags?

    what happens when you water???
  5. saynotothebs

    How much do you smoke per week???

    just wondering how much every one is smokeing, because i thought i was doing alot at a ounce a do to money being short im down to a half a week..
  6. saynotothebs

    how much should a quarter way out to

    7 grams, would love a little more but nothin less..
  7. saynotothebs

    why are all my new plants doin this? LOTS OF PICS

    do the containers have holes in them for drainage??
  8. saynotothebs

    tired of buying me grow...first time...

    yea i but im hopeing theres still hope..
  9. saynotothebs

    tired of buying me grow...first time...

    alright here is some up to date pictures taken today....and a picture of some of the weed that sells for 70 a half here...
  10. saynotothebs

    marijuana laced

    you should send me that shit so i can dispose of it in my dont need that shit sitting around...:blsmoke:
  11. saynotothebs


    germ it see if a root pops out...what does the seed look like?
  12. saynotothebs

    Just topped

    from the pictures it looks alright but i cant see the whole plant...give her some time to heal up before you flower...
  13. saynotothebs

    is this bad??

    i dont know, i knew a guy that grew and smoked next to his plants the end the weed was still was the first time i smoked homegrown ever since then thats what i want...
  14. saynotothebs

    Just topped

    how old was she?
  15. saynotothebs

    Anybody got $45k?

    wouldnt be able to grow...
  16. saynotothebs

    Let's debate! 24/7 or 18/6 for VEG?

    one of these again....stop trying to control it who cares just grow we already know what works no matter what way you do it damn...
  17. saynotothebs

    CFL: Calculations and Room Design

    i would just say fuck it and use them all if you can....grow me some dank and im pleased...