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  1. worm5376

    Why is it ok to Shower with other Guys and Sometimes not?

    The gayness ,, in this room ,, is ,, is ,, is making me Dizzy. lol Better put my Chasity belt on before i go to sleep!
  2. worm5376

    Why is it ok to Shower with other Guys and Sometimes not?

    Dude , they have a gay section on pornhub?! Very disturbing. smh I had to read this 3 times just to register it
  3. worm5376

    Why is it ok to Shower with other Guys and Sometimes not?

    Now have have to go on pornhub and prove to myself i am not gay :-o
  4. worm5376

    Why is it ok to Shower with other Guys and Sometimes not?

    I find this whole thread to be VERY Gay.. and now that i have spoken that includes my post :wall:
  5. worm5376

    How To Start An Argument Online

    Thats a good one! :clap:
  6. worm5376

    How To Start An Argument Online

    Your mothers a cock sucking butt-hole licking , no tooth having whore.. I WIN. /
  7. worm5376

    Lemme smang it girrrrllll!!!

    LOL WTF!!! Ima play this song while i bang out my wifey.
  8. worm5376

    C'mon mods... really!!??

    :fire:it never ends i see.
  9. worm5376

    Bitches be Crazy

    Damn P, I can't even give this the attention it deserves. I'll come back and read it all. One thing I do know is bitches be crazy..fureal..
  10. worm5376

    Do You Think? It's Wrong to Steal from Wal-Mart?

    So you've been?
  11. worm5376

    Do You Think? It's Wrong to Steal from Wal-Mart?

    Some people get that crazy impulse and rarely fight the urge.
  12. worm5376

    How Many of You Potheads Get Drunk?

    Half of the shit u just said I have no idea what it stick to weed. Mmk?
  13. worm5376

    After A Night Of Tokin'...........

    The irony makes me think we had this conversation in another life!
  14. worm5376

    After A Night Of Tokin'...........

    I know what you mean, I would say take some benadryl but that might knock ur ass out!
  15. worm5376

    Women wtf do you want?

    Lol .....that's all I got for this thread
  16. worm5376

    What's Up Jersey Growers?

    Yeah they look real healthy, lush and green. Job well done
  17. worm5376

    Mio Water Falvor in Bongs

    Yesh that sound like it could help the flavor of funky bud. I wouldn't mind giving it a shot.
  18. worm5376

    If Sharia Law comes to America

    Political Bacon!!! Roflll...Now that's some funny shit right there..
  19. worm5376

    What's For Dinner Tonight?

    He's on quite a few site . Some with the same name in dif variations.
  20. worm5376

    What's For Dinner Tonight?

    I can't recall all of them but SS was one of the places and speedy...