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  1. huklburryfin

    Outdoor Party Mix 2011

    nice job youve had a lot of growth since the last pictures. even though they were small at first i think they'll do fine
  2. huklburryfin

    casually late 2011 guerilla grow.

    yea i saw those but so far im trying to have most of my nutes be organic, i saw the schultz brand and ive read that its good so i might try it on a few plants. its only 5 dollars
  3. huklburryfin

    Firsttime Bagseed Outdoor Guerilla Grow

    went to the spot today to transplant my last plant, and saw that the other one was a male. so i ripped it. i started a new thread cus this one is full of pictures that have no purpose now >>>>>>>>
  4. huklburryfin

    casually late 2011 guerilla grow.

    i already started a thread, but since 2 out of 3 of the plants pictured in that thread are now dead im just going to start a new one. heres my current situation: i have 1 plant in the woods, 2 one week old seedlings, and more seeds germinating. these are all bagseed. for nutes im using organic...
  5. huklburryfin

    First time Beginner Grow Tips?

    if you have bagseeds start them now, the season already started. read the stickies theyre at the top of each page of each section in the forum. and also be VERY careful about where you plant if its not your property, all your hard work can be taken in a day.
  6. huklburryfin

    Best Way To Keep Pests Off My Baby?

    you can spray them with water and mild dish soap. go to any local garden store they should carry pest control products. try neem oil or something else organic. and rub the leaves to remove any pest or eggs
  7. huklburryfin

    Late Start Upstate Ny

    there isnt really anyway to tell right now. the season in ny ends around early october so you might not have the biggest plants but youll defiantly get something. blue dragon sounds like a really good strain from what ive read on google
  8. huklburryfin

    My Nine Monster: A Story Written and Produced by TMB

    your avatar gives me nightmares
  9. huklburryfin

    Crazy Ass Panama Red Seedling from Panama

    how are you so sure?
  10. huklburryfin

    This is Part of Why I Keep Growing TGA Gear

    i didnt know you could grow bud in a litter box. do you use the cat shit as nutes?
  11. huklburryfin

    so are you out of jail yet?

    so are you out of jail yet?
  12. huklburryfin

    Firsttime Bagseed Outdoor Guerilla Grow

    i went out to the spot today to check up on the plant and give it a watering. after hiking through the woods thinking i was lost i finally found the spot. mosquitoes seem to be attracted to that area because i couldnt stand still for one second without being swarmed. so i didnt really have good...
  13. huklburryfin

    I Really Need Help Fast from RIU

    turning the lights off allows the plants to rest. its just how like we need to sleep. plants can grow with 24/0 lighting but i think its best to give them a dark period like they would have in nature.
  14. huklburryfin

    MN Outdoor Guerrilla Grow

    i dont like. flat ass
  15. huklburryfin

    Help! Which Strain Do You Think They Are?

    thats chacaron
  16. huklburryfin

    What is Wrong with My Baby Plant? She became Yellow. Please Help!

    my plant is doing the same thing, except the leaves on the bottom are turning yellow and dieing. i think its not getting enough nutrients. but what kind of soil do you have? you said it has nutes for 3-4 weeks, is it miracle gro? be careful of how much you water it if it is because the nutes get...
  17. huklburryfin

    Your Greatest Achievement

    did they come out of that picture thats your avatar
  18. huklburryfin

    The Cops Stopped by Today

    theyre all over my eyes!!!!!11 agfhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  19. huklburryfin

    Firsttime Bagseed Outdoor Guerilla Grow

    btw i ended up carrying it in a plastic shopping bag lol. it worked pretty good but next transplant i will have some sort of roll cage