Red Stems (Lack of N), Yellowing Leaves (Chlorosis..), Necrotic Spots (Chlorosis) and Burnt Leaf tips (Lack of N, too much P)
Long story short: Your plant needs a larger pot with more nutritious soil. teh roots have reached everywhere in the pot that they can go and noor more room to grow.... you can follow it from the begining up to now. hes still in the prosecc of growing them out :D
im going to be doing a 100% organic outdoor grow this year using my super soil mix and most of these tea's...
the amount stated is often very deceiving. the usual harvest for indica dominant strains and lower yeilders is around 1 OZ/month of veg. commercial strains and heavy yeilders will usually yeild 3 OZ's / 1.5 months veg.
for a first timer choose an Easy strain. the first time is ALL about...
so wait... you paid $200 for THAT?!? i made one 3x that size (with lights...) for like $120.....
OH and if you think the roots are supposed to stay in that little black pot, your wrong. they will fill the whole tup up. just make sure it stays short and you dont have anything to worry about....
Subcools Super soil + Super tea for the win. its the Lazy mans way to AMAZING marijuana. <-- 1'st post follow the tea directions. indoor or outdoor its AMAZING.
LOL he was a friend and worshiper of Edgar Allen Poe, is a man not allowed to die?
he toasted his friend, every year since his death untill the Toaster died.
heres an Idea, instead of crying over the internet... GO AND TAKE THE TRADITION OVER!
no. you can pull popcorn all the way untill week 3-4.
i would say leave alot of lower stuff because you dont know what its going to do yet. it could be dense all the way down.
400 = Too Much.
Use Floro's to get the best fit. its long and skinny, get long and skinny lights. get a 4 bulb T5 set-up with 65 W Bulbs. 250 watts of Floro should be good for a space that size.
I just gota post to throw this out there. the people at peakseeds are AMAZING. i would highly recomend them to anyone in Canada or the states.
i have been talking with them all day Emailing back and forth. i have nailed my strain selection down to Texada x Northern Lights and Texada x Skunk...
ah shit, give it 10 years for the beard to go and i WILL be that dude.... hair goes 1/2 way down my bak in a pony tail. i can make it touch my ass when its free and floating.
keep it clean, in a pony tail and its out of the way. hide it under a hoody and your "normal" :D
it tastes better because Organic nutrients use Suger based nutrients (Most organic Nutrients comtain glucose in one form or another) Rather than Salt based nutrients like Hydroponic ferts. Hydro bud also has a higher content of Chelated metals in the final product which effect the taste...
i grow using 100% organic super soil and 100% organic compost tea.... its a lazy mans way to amazing marijuana.... i dont have to flush.. just chop, dry and smoke
BUT i USED to grow Hydro in CoCo, so i do know a little.... i used to flush with Reverse osmosis water and Carbo Nutriets for 1...
a Quick note regarding temperature. my Personal recomendations are:
20 C (68 f) for Bacterial compost teas
25 C (77 f) for Fungal Compost teas
a temperature above 68 C will cause anaerobic (Harmful) Bacteria go grow faster. in bacterial compost teas a lower temperature will ensure Aerobic...
Fungi Tea's are another form of Compost tea which is rarely explored. Different forms of fungi live EVERYWHERE, some are good and some are bad. Fungal Teas use Naturaly ocuring good forms of fungi to inoculate the soil and form a symbiotic Bond with the roots of your plants. With a balance of...
#1. Use the nutrients as you would Hydro nutes. Make a reservoir to mix and activate nutrients in, and mix everything in the reservoir first.
#2 you should have been given a guide line or chart. FOLLOW IT.
These are used to keep the soil or water alive. they only need to be used once...
^ THIS is seriously sexy man haha. i sent them an Email as soon as i seen your post. im getting info on Northern Berry, Northern Lights and Texada TW x NL... they are looking just as good as the Kish at this point.
New Strain Lineup:
Kish - Cashcrop Ken
Northern Berry - PeakseedsBC
Canadian Seed Company's:
i Forgot to mention, the strains im going to be using :D Both strains start flowering in Early Augest and finish around mid September. perfect for my climate.
Kish - CashCrop Ken...
:) i just have to let the posts speak for themselves.
people on this site DO know alot, and can help you... if all you want to do is be an asshole, then go crap on someone else's parade.
^ :D