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  1. GimmieThe Loot

    Help please!!

    Oh alright I don't really know it's recycled I have happy frog at the top and ocean forest at the bottom... But I have a Viparspectra par 450 & par 600 it's just under 2ft away from them.
  2. GimmieThe Loot

    Help please!!

    Can u tell me why my leaves started yellowing before I gave any nutes. Maby ph issues?..
  3. GimmieThe Loot

    Help please!!

    It do look like the it might be spreading slowly. Because some of the newer leaves tips are turning yellowing. But I'm going to give a few more regular ph'd feedings, and 1/4 dose nutes when I do give them. At this point I'm just hoping for constant growth.
  4. GimmieThe Loot


    Here today's pics there about 23 and 21 days.
  5. GimmieThe Loot

    Help please!!

    Here today's pics
  6. GimmieThe Loot

    Help please!!

    Ok I feel that, that's what I planned on doing. But look before I gave nutes my tips were starting to yellow from the bottom up. So I figured it was deficency, but now I'm thinking my ph may be off because I have the ph drops.. I'm confused so like I said I was go in just flush let grow at least...
  7. GimmieThe Loot

    Help please!!

    I haven't, leaves are still starting to yellow at the tips. I gave regular ph'd water and I'm going to do it again and hope fully I get some results and maby after that one I'll start nutes at 1/4th dose.
  8. GimmieThe Loot

    1st grow

    I think i should've just gave call mag instead of the grow and the others.
  9. GimmieThe Loot

    1st grow

    Happy frog at the top ocean forest at the bottom.
  10. GimmieThe Loot

    1st grow

    Watering it with 2or3 gallons won't get her water logged will it?,and mess my roots up.
  11. GimmieThe Loot


    Ok I got it. I have on ph drops. What color should I be going for? By pot volume... Do you mean water with at least 5 gallons of water since the pot are 5 gal, I'm confused?
  12. GimmieThe Loot

    1st grow

    Flushed it like? Huh wat do you mean?
  13. GimmieThe Loot


    Ok coo. So flush basically means give reg water for at least 2 weeks? Then start 1/4 doses?
  14. GimmieThe Loot


    Prolly should jus gave cal mag huh? Because before I gave nutes the bottom leaves were yellowing.
  15. GimmieThe Loot


    Why do my leaves keep yellowing I gave light dose of nutes. Cali pro grow a&b honey chome, emerald goddess, call mag, and rootwizard... They were all less than half doses. I'm confused my plant is growing at a decent rate, she doesn't really seem stunted.. I am confused please help on wat to do.
  16. GimmieThe Loot

    1st grow

    I did use some calms. Many thats all I should've used... But here's a pic
  17. GimmieThe Loot

    1st grow

    I didnt give any nutes at first then the bottom leaves started to yellow and die... So i gave a light feeding now my leaf tips are yellow... Im so confused
  18. GimmieThe Loot

    1st grow

    How do you correct defenciencies.?
  19. GimmieThe Loot

    Help please!!

    Its coo man this my first year grow imma get it right.. No worries.. Ps im worried though