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  1. cannabis420420

    Should I get the card now?

    bump LOOLOLOL
  2. cannabis420420

    Murder is not wrong.

    bump cause i can LOOLOLOL:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:clap:
  3. cannabis420420

    The Kitty Washing Machine

    no its not scarred just hella fucked up LOLOLOLOL :D
  4. cannabis420420

    Hash Making

    bump this thread up :D :D
  5. cannabis420420

    The Kitty Washing Machine

    bump this thread up :D
  6. cannabis420420


    bump this thread up :D LOL :D
  7. cannabis420420

    1000w hps H.I.D lamp and 1 tiny closet MUWAHAHAHAHA !!!!!!!

    very nice :D the budz are looking great :D
  8. cannabis420420

    Murder is not wrong.

    ahhhhhh maybe it does make us murder's :D LOL
  9. cannabis420420

    Brickedups...... Octaine 2011 goin big......

    pics pics pics keep on posting them LOL :D
  10. cannabis420420

    Need Naphtha - Canada

    nice :D always helps if you have big bottle of vinegar to neutralize any spills or if the lye get on you :D
  11. cannabis420420


    nice plants they look nice& healthy :D:clap::clap::clap::clap:
  12. cannabis420420

    Need Naphtha - Canada

    be careful with that stuff ;) LOL :D
  13. cannabis420420

    Need Naphtha - Canada

    very nice :D
  14. cannabis420420


    LOL never tried that be 4.... :D but i can say molasses cookies are great :D LOL
  15. cannabis420420

    Trippy Artwork

    hows it going :D
  16. cannabis420420


    i use Molasses on my plants it works great :D
  17. cannabis420420

    found 6 plants what to do

    you leave them alone and grow your own :D its that simple