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  1. NoGutsGrower

    Gf ditched me on nye

    City Bus.....
  2. NoGutsGrower

    I'm Donating $5000 to FDD2BLK's Family

    I'd keep that info under wraps!!! BuddaCheese might start hatin on you too!
  3. NoGutsGrower

    I'm Donating $5000 to FDD2BLK's Family

    Sounds like more jealousy, first hatting fdd for living on a lake now on scooby for fishing.... WOW...
  4. NoGutsGrower

    I'm Donating $5000 to FDD2BLK's Family

    I still want a turtle...
  5. NoGutsGrower

    I'm Donating $5000 to FDD2BLK's Family
  6. NoGutsGrower

    I'm Donating $5000 to FDD2BLK's Family

    you're jealous and butt hurt over something someone on the internet said so they deserve to get busted??? Seems like you need to get over something! As I said before I am the last person FDD gave a warning to and the last person he banned! big deal! So I got a warning and blocked from the site...
  7. NoGutsGrower

    Banned wagon

    don't you see the gun... he killed some one... This guy just looks like he is crying though...
  8. NoGutsGrower

    I'm Donating $5000 to FDD2BLK's Family

    People don't post the pictures of all the stuff I've sent them and I don't think it shouldn't really matter. Some people like staying anonymous. I do have a thread in the cali patients section with a bunch of thanks in it, but that is no where near the amount of stuff I've given away! I spent...
  9. NoGutsGrower

    I'm Donating $5000 to FDD2BLK's Family

    LOL!!! it went awesome!!! The video was september 4th. a little less than half way through flower. My big producer was 4lbs of 1 iced grapefruit!
  10. NoGutsGrower

    I'm Donating $5000 to FDD2BLK's Family

    I haven't heard FDD say otherwise and this thread isn't the first mention of it...
  11. NoGutsGrower

    I'm Donating $5000 to FDD2BLK's Family

    I was the last person he banned (it was a temp ban, only a week long... lol) and the last person he gave a warning/citation to!!! Doesn't make him a bad guy, we get along just fine now! Trust me there are and have been much worse mods!
  12. NoGutsGrower

    How many times ya been under the knife?

    LOL!!! I started feeling a bit better when I moved here!
  13. NoGutsGrower

    How many times ya been under the knife?

    Noguts..... I've had my stomach opened up 9 times, complete colectomy with j pouch resection and multiple bowel obstructions. had a colostomy bag for 5 years. 2 ankle surgeries, shattered the ankle and it split up the bone (6 screws and a plate). I like to say the got me from "stem to...
  14. NoGutsGrower

    I'm Donating $5000 to FDD2BLK's Family

    You missed my contest thread scooby, it was admin approved...LOL. It was over faster than it started though, a user guessed the right answer and they are now the proud owner of a sweet bong and nail setup! Some people just don't get helping others or giving away free shit. I'm far from rich but...
  15. NoGutsGrower

    I'm Donating $5000 to FDD2BLK's Family

    Long term member/mod, has more posts on here than anyone. Met him at the riu bbq, a good guy! Got busted by the feds!
  16. NoGutsGrower

    I'm Donating $5000 to FDD2BLK's Family

    Even if the news or cops said that he did, it doesn't make it true! News and police make shit up all the time to help their side! The police told the city council that my neighbors were terrified of me, since the police said it, it must be true right??? Well obviously it's not true, they came...
  17. NoGutsGrower

    Official New Years Bong Giveaway/Contest Thread!!!! Admin Approved!

    Way to put shit together! Sent you a PM!
  18. NoGutsGrower

    Official New Years Bong Giveaway/Contest Thread!!!! Admin Approved!

    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! Contest ended faster than I could start it!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA Holly shit that was fast! YOU WIN! Admin was told the answer before the contest, he can verify!!!
  19. NoGutsGrower

    Official New Years Bong Giveaway/Contest Thread!!!! Admin Approved!

    LOL!!! Nope, not enough snow down at tree level from the images I found on google. I must go there one day though, it looks beautiful!
  20. NoGutsGrower

    Official New Years Bong Giveaway/Contest Thread!!!! Admin Approved!

    Dont know how to make the pic bigger sorry. added a second picture as they were taken on the same mountain within 3-400 yards or so of each other just on different days.