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  1. RetiredMatthebrute

    too late to start?

    so I scored a nice stainless steel sink, so now I have a sink in my grow room...sounds trivial but im pretty stoked about it. need to run a drain hose so im not dumping 5 gal buckets but it definatly beats watering over a 5 gal bucket.
  2. RetiredMatthebrute

    Does she look dead

    yeah its dependant on the soil you use..a well amended soil done right should be able to go the entire grow with 0 suplimentals. but say you start off in something like pro-mix amended with EWC, the EWC will carry you through a while but the soil will start going blank towards the middle of...
  3. RetiredMatthebrute

    too late to start?

    so I decided to mix up a batch of AACT, think ill keep the soil plants I started a few weeks ago organic since they are amended with EWC already kinda makes no sense to feed I need to invest in another bottle of Bio Thrive Bloom.
  4. RetiredMatthebrute

    Does she look dead

    well I wouldn't call it wasted time as its a learning experience. what really bites my ass is these soils that are just way too saturated in fertilizers that make it difficult for people to grow. but yes every mistake does hinder your yield. personally I think some pro mix and decent EWC mixed...
  5. RetiredMatthebrute

    Does she look dead

    nah it will never reach its max potential now, Auto's are on a internal timer, healthy or sick in 30 days they start flower. 30-35 are your stretch days and 1-30 are your growth/vegetative stage..after day 35 they stop growing and start flowering.. if you have been overwatering/over feeding it...
  6. RetiredMatthebrute

    too late to start?

    wow she actually looks pretty dam good for all she has been through.
  7. RetiredMatthebrute

    Does she look dead

    go out and get some seedling starting soil and plant it in that for the first 3-4 weeks, once you start seeing signs of pre flowering get it into the more heavily fertilized soil
  8. RetiredMatthebrute

    Does she look dead

    if its an auto you may be kinda boned. by the time it recovers it will prob start flowering and wont get much more growth.. my 2¢ if you have another bean get it going and forget about that one, 2 months later you will havest a joint, hardly worth the time and energy.
  9. RetiredMatthebrute

    too late to start?

    haha right, if I ever grow in soil again I might use it.
  10. RetiredMatthebrute

    too late to start?

    so I got my free samples and none if it was anything I will ever use. was hoping for a little bloom booster concentrate or something and I get some lame calcium foliar spray, some organic microbe crap and another veg foliar spray...
  11. RetiredMatthebrute

    too late to start?

    by the end of October frost starts hitting hard and may have to build a little greenhouse for it.
  12. RetiredMatthebrute

    too late to start?

    lol will be a nice blunt when its all done :) never know could surprise you with yield, wont be 10 ounces but may give ya a nice quarter or better.
  13. RetiredMatthebrute

    Central Maine need 4wd and a chainsaw will give a plant

    I live in central Maine I tried cutting a tree down asn shit is sketchy...ill give one of my plants for a hand
  14. RetiredMatthebrute

    too late to start?

    nah I pull the root ball righ up and hit it with the hose on "shower" setting, (in my DWC bucket not soil lol) don't want to use settings like jet because you will cut the roots. glad the growth is starting for you..i think the amount of water is moreso what stunted your growth rather than the...
  15. RetiredMatthebrute

    Any guess to whats going on here?

    Alright, after a slight mishap with my pro tek silicon supplement (something with shipping) it arrived today, did a rez change and rinsed all the baking soda off the roots..brought PPM up to 1100 and PH is good (for now) at 5.9.
  16. RetiredMatthebrute

    Lets do it again, 400/600w 30 gal? DWC

    Alright, after a slight mishap with my pro tek silicon supplement (something with shipping) it arrived today, did a rez change and rinsed all the baking soda off the roots..brought PPM up to 1100 and PH is good (for now) at 5.9.
  17. RetiredMatthebrute

    too late to start?

    Alright, after a slight mishap with my pro tek silicon supplement (something with shipping) it arrived today, did a rez change and rinsed all the baking soda off the roots..brought PPM up to 1100 and PH is good (for now) at 5.9.
  18. RetiredMatthebrute

    Any guess to whats going on here?

    well got that sorted and picking the package up. Also the seller is going to send me some free samples for the troubles...maybe it will be something good.
  19. RetiredMatthebrute

    Any guess to whats going on here?

    so my silicon was scheduled to be delivered today, USPS guy shows up and wants me to pay $9.75 for my package!! apparently the seller taped the package and that voids the shipping because you pre pay shipping for a specific envelope size and its not allowed to be now I have to wait...
  20. RetiredMatthebrute

    Any guess to whats going on here?

    even so PH is important and if it is staying stable in the low 4's it needs to be adjusted or your going to have issues.