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  1. J

    portland oregon outdoor grow

    yup...I think when the sun actually comes out and stays out, they are going to explode.Least I hope so
  2. J

    portland oregon outdoor grow

    few more from today
  3. J

    portland oregon outdoor grow

    I would be ridiculously happy to get a lb each out of would my patients :)
  4. J

    portland oregon outdoor grow

    The area itself already has an 8 ft fence around the perimeter but the plan is to build a fence around the immediate garden as well. Plus someone else recommended using some remesh around each individual plant for support and protection which I will do as well. Oh and THANK YOU for the compliment.
  5. J

    portland oregon outdoor grow

    Here are some from today
  6. J

    portland oregon outdoor grow

    I put new ones up each weekend or try to at lease so there will be more this weekend
  7. J

    portland oregon outdoor grow

    Just re reading my earlier post about the soil I used. These were not the ones that got the super soil-ish recipe. All this soil is a product from a local producer( Dean Innovations).....the product is called 'White lightning' Just wanted to clear that up :)
  8. J

    portland oregon outdoor grow

    We have some home made protection that we built in case of sudden heavy rain/wind. It resembles the semicircle carport things but it uses a greenhouse plastic that has a higher transparency. I will post pics when and if we need to put it up this year.....which hopefully we will not but are...
  9. J

    portland oregon outdoor grow

    that would be very nice. I'll be very happy with 1lb/each....anything more than that would be joyful goodness.. Thanks for the positive prediction
  10. J

    portland oregon outdoor grow

    heres a few more enjoying todays sun after the three days of rain /clouds we just had......Love that they just explode with growth in the sun after some rain.
  11. J

    portland oregon outdoor grow

    Not in this particular area thankfully :) Ya digging the holes def wasnt my most favorite thing to do but I wanted em to have lots of room to grow. Hopefully the weather holds out longer this year. last year we had an early fall....lot of rain and high winds in late sept-oct and it totally...
  12. J

    portland oregon outdoor grow

    i def will get some remesh...thx
  13. J

    portland oregon outdoor grow

    I used a bobcat to dig the main trench down about a foot then hand dug the individual holes 3x3x3 and filled with mixed soil recipe along the lines of supersoil
  14. J

    portland oregon outdoor grow

    I never really see too many threads bout outdoor in Portland so thought id throw mine up this yr. 3 grape ape and 3 jack the ripper started indoor and planted outdoor June 2 when they were 1-1.5ft tall