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  1. Antman15

    What is up with attitude seeds

    Pretty sure they take all but Mastercard.
  2. Antman15

    Can anyone conclusively identify this bug?

    Float a dunk in a few gallons of water overnight. apply. I personally don't think you can really over do it. But, 3-4 gallons in a bucket per puck should be fine. If you get the thuricide concentrate, its 4 tspn per gallon. good luck
  3. Antman15

    Can anyone conclusively identify this bug?

    BiologicalComments Bacillus thuringiensissubspeciesisraelensis (Bti) (Gnatrol)A naturally occurring, spore-forming bacterium produced commercially by fermentation. Bti applied at labeled rates provides temporary control and is toxic only to fly larvae, such as mosquitoes, black flies, and fungus...
  4. Antman15

    Can anyone conclusively identify this bug?

    as a soil drench. I don't remember the dosage, but as a drench so it gets to the larvae in the soil.
  5. Antman15

    Can anyone conclusively identify this bug?

    Right on. I never had a problem.
  6. Antman15

    Can anyone conclusively identify this bug?

    After they are gone, make sure that you have better drainage and don't over water.
  7. Antman15

    Can anyone conclusively identify this bug?

    bacillus thuringiensis. Found in mosquito dunks or "Thuricide" Will kill the larvae therefore eliminating adults.
  8. Antman15

    Cause of overly light and fluffy buds?

    What were your temps compared to his?
  9. Antman15

    Cause of overly light and fluffy buds?

    If you weight your trimmed, wet buds, they will weigh about 75-80% less when dry. So that is part of it. They do suck up and become smaller as the water is evaporated out. If it was kind of a running bud anyway, it will seem even more runny when its dry. Try different strains and training...
  10. Antman15

    SFV OG Kush Hermie Photos Included

    Plants that close to the light are way hotter than 85.
  11. Antman15

    New grow 21 plants 4 strains

    Fatal last words. Your pic shows an open outlet on the ground. That is a bit more than a sealed cord. A bit of a water spill could spell disaster. Better safe than sorry. Be safe. Good luck
  12. Antman15

    New grow 21 plants 4 strains

    I think you need to clean.
  13. Antman15

    what is happening

    It will be affected, but IMO you should try to remedy it.
  14. Antman15

    what is happening
  15. Antman15

    what is happening

    Maybe iron def.
  16. Antman15

    Dog ate my plants!

    I used to worry about getting stuff online too. Still do a little sometimes. I try to make sure that they are shipped discreetly and that the return address isn't obvious to the mail carrier. For example. Yourhydrostore on ebay comes through as GGM. It stands for "Grow Green Michigan". But...
  17. Antman15

    New 400W hps and 3x3x6 tent

    lol. No problem.
  18. Antman15

    New 400W hps and 3x3x6 tent

  19. Antman15

    New 400W hps and 3x3x6 tent

    Just a the OP. damn.
  20. Antman15

    New 400W hps and 3x3x6 tent

    Also man on that plant in the blue pot. Pull that bottom pan off and set it in a bigger tray. Those pans stop up the drainage holes.