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  1. Dizzle Frost

    3 Word Story

    and dolphin bits
  2. Dizzle Frost

    3 Word Story

    nondolphin friendly biscuits
  3. Dizzle Frost

    3 Word Story

    sauteed in carp-semen
  4. Dizzle Frost

    3 Word Story

    pron diaper flavored
  5. Dizzle Frost

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    i like em to, you get to see ganj growin in its environment. he wears a Lab coat cuz he has a Labia lol
  6. Dizzle Frost

    Why is Racism Bad?

    im racist towards crop rippers
  7. Dizzle Frost

    Why is Racism Bad?

    I dont think anyone is born with hate for anyone .... i grew up in a black hood so i never saw blacks in a racists way .. we all grew up in the same shit , we all bled the same color at the end of the day.
  8. Dizzle Frost

    I'm giving away $10,000

    im gonna wait til dark, and find me a midget
  9. Dizzle Frost

    I'm giving away $10,000

    what about a pic of a midget hooker smokin a joint you rolled? thats gotta count for something
  10. Dizzle Frost

    3 Word Story

    flying a Mig
  11. Dizzle Frost

    Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

    gonna smell like a dank candy store lol
  12. Dizzle Frost

    What are the genetics in Nirvana Northern Lights?

    NL is Thai Afghani genetics
  13. Dizzle Frost

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    its just black , but its HD black LOL
  14. Dizzle Frost


    your crazy to think al queda doesnt have strongholds in Yemen and Samolia .... its the way they do things, they occupy a populated area with civies and hide ... they know we arent gonna rain pain on em there.
  15. Dizzle Frost

    police heli-cocksuckers help w/ my peace of mind

    you need one of these
  16. Dizzle Frost

    3 Word Story

    cans of dolphin
  17. Dizzle Frost

    3 Word Story

    that resemble carp
  18. Dizzle Frost

    Faces Of Death.........Warning NSFW, don't click here if squeamish, death happens

    Watching people blow up is ok for me, i kinda like the pink mist lol . ... but i cant watch anything that has to do with kids getting hurt.. that fuckin pushes my anger buttons
  19. Dizzle Frost

    Faces Of Death.........Warning NSFW, don't click here if squeamish, death happens

    I seen some Serb and Croat snuff films during the war in the 90s .... those were pretty fucked up .... made faces of death look like romper room
  20. Dizzle Frost

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    Apollo11 plays a mean guitar, id keep that mofo on the stage :)