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  1. daybreaker

    Dynasty Genetics Thread

    so I went to mexico when the seedlings were just barely coming up threw everything on a drip and when I got back the huck,lobsta,salmon og were bushy and the leaf structure was amazing.Going with the scrog halfpipe and so ill try to post pics if the 1 moose is a lady.I bought clones of the...
  2. daybreaker

    Cooled Hoods or Not

    Good lord,and I thought back in the day it was my glassless vertical bulb round reflector that made my bud so good.
  3. daybreaker

    What's the best 1000w hps bulb money can buy

    ok I was thinking how cool a combo would be.I have a few autos ima try outside this summer.
  4. daybreaker

    What's the best 1000w hps bulb money can buy

    is the combo together or separate lamps?pics?
  5. daybreaker

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Lemon Penetration.The giggle weed.The man im stoned with a big ass grin weed.FREEBIE!!!!
  6. daybreaker

    Pure Altitude

    I gotta credit visa I use when my ol lady gives me the go ahead...LOL I just stocked up through NGR man.doing good with dynasty.Professor P is seriously the next gen breeder putting folks to shame in my opinion.Im finally realizing that to grow with the big dogs ya gotta mix your own soils.My...
  7. daybreaker

    Dynasty Genetics Thread

    he's giving away the kali ssh crosses as freebies at NGR.
  8. daybreaker

    Dynasty Genetics Thread

    whats the BTI?I've been using the H2O2 Liquid Oxygen is composed of 34% Hydrogen Peroxide.
  9. daybreaker

    Dynasty Genetics Thread

    All I know is after spending a ton of money on different nutrients and seeing what people are getting out of these soil mixes I lose sleep thinking how lazy ive been .
  10. daybreaker

    Dynasty Genetics Thread

    Right on man,this is the direction I need to be going if I ever wanna get the monster buds.Tired of these mediocre thumbsized buds ARGH!!!Preciate it.How important is the sitting period?Because im bout to do another far I have blood,bone,feather meals and bat guano to add to my soil.Are...
  11. daybreaker

    RD Hermies

    The rudeness comes from not being acknowledged once they get your money.I have one method and usually get seeds to germ.Wet soil,1/8 of an inch hole,cover lightyly and keep damp.I just planted bcbude depot da purps and blueberry and lotus larry from Bodhi 2 days ago and they are already showing...
  12. daybreaker

    Dynasty Genetics Thread

    Do you think those things im adding will allow me to go light on feedings?Im using AN sensi grow and bloom with alternating tiger bloom and big bud.i'd like to get to the point of just watering..I need to add worm castings to the list.
  13. daybreaker

    RD Hermies

    I saw this thread and have to laugh.TGA is such a money making scam artist with ZERO customer service.NONE of my brian berry cough popped and I attempted to get ahold of that fucker to get a replacement.Just yesterday Dynasty got back to within 5 minutes and is sending me new seeds for a poor...
  14. daybreaker

    Dynasty Genetics Thread

    goto breeder bay and sign up if you haven't already to checkout this thread on the pineapple fields.fucking ridiculous seriously.
  15. daybreaker

    Dynasty Genetics Thread

    are you mixing your own soils?im attempting my first partial mix adding bone,blood,feather meal and bat guano and some mykkos micros.I've seen some threads of buds that are ridiculous with homemade soils.Have you tried subcools mix?
  16. daybreaker

    Dynasty Genetics Thread

    its turning purple already?Wow.I just started 5 seeds of bluniverse tonight.Going to save the blue heron,moose and lobsta and cck for the new year since I m working sooooo many strains...see if I can find a nice girly in this first 5 of some pics.
  17. daybreaker

    Dynasty Genetics Thread

    Were these all cck?I got bluniverse,blue heron,cck and moose and lobsta on deck.hopefully you have some more pics later in this thread.
  18. daybreaker

    Pure Altitude

    The Doc used to breed for them and made the Docs og,then some drama went down and he left and started his own company Archive seeds.I picked up the Casper og.Its a chunky monsta.
  19. daybreaker

    Pure Altitude

    yeah its always good to work feeling stress.Im werkn rugburn and I love it.true og smell and taste.good shit.
  20. daybreaker

    Does harvesting plants in the nude, affect yield?

    oh my bad I didn't know this was the brown bud thread.