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  1. Bobotrank

    Club 600

    There he is!! :) :) :hug: :) :)
  2. Bobotrank

    The Main-Lining Thread

    Did I miss it or have u posted how ur mixing with that? Normal ratios as always for the SS w/ Vermifire?
  3. Bobotrank

    The Main-Lining Thread

    Aw, thanks. Lots of practice, I suppose. :) You're spot on with the mixing of color temps. A Burnt Amber gel does a great job at that when used as a fill light. I can't remember if that is Rosco or Lee's name for it, but if you go online to someplace like the Set Shop in LA, you can find it...
  4. Bobotrank

    The Main-Lining Thread

    Nice job brosef. Your pics look great these days. A single soft box overhead is always one of my favorites when photographing plants. I don't know what it is, but that is always where I start when I'm lighting a plant, and then I tend to build up the lighting from there. I like how you let...
  5. Bobotrank

    Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

    Yeah now is the travel time we're told. We're bailing in a week :lol: Fingers crossed over here for ya on the females. I think I might have some of those Grape Apes... hmmm... might have to sift through my seed collection today and see what I'm gonna be cracking come 2 weeks. That is a...
  6. Bobotrank

    Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

    Holy shit, those look ready from here. What up guys. Bobo loves you. :peace:
  7. Bobotrank

    Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

    Hey hey cave dwellers! Hope everyone is well in here. Bobo just dippin in to say highhhhhh. Everything is looking dank in everyone's gardens from what I can see.... keep up the good work guys. About to start it up again here pretty soon in the flower zone... can't wait to start sharing...
  8. Bobotrank

    The Budologist's 2012 Outdoor Grow (TGA Forest)

    As much as I like the flavors of different strains when vaping herb, edibles can be much better on so many other levels. The high is stronger and longer... Who couldn't love that? Hands down the most baked I've ever been is off edibles. Just sayin'.
  9. Bobotrank

    A Kush Lovers Thread

    oh, and Alaskan Hummus! It's coming back to me now. You already have that stuff, Caveman :)
  10. Bobotrank

    A Kush Lovers Thread

    Hey works for me. I'm dead to the world, so you could even call me DeadGuy today and it'd work. Fook, the countdown is on until I flip the switch on my flower tent. 1 month exactly! Hey, and I have some beans here from somebody on the lower east coast that are looking pretty Lush-ious...
  11. Bobotrank

    A Kush Lovers Thread

    I've heard something about Sulphur being good to throw in there, but I can't recall where I read it, or how much to use. I think KushKing42 had something about it on one of his threads. He rebuilds all his soils, and seems to be doing quite well. . . Ah fook, I'm worthless. Go figure, no...
  12. Bobotrank

    coNKey's tRailEr TRasH SwAmP grOW

    Whoa, where am I? Oh wait. I'm right here. Phew! Almost got lost there for a second. Sub'd.
  13. Bobotrank

    Club 600

    Thanks dude. I think I got it figured out.
  14. Bobotrank

    Club 600

    What up guys! Everything is looking amazing in here ^^^^^^^^^^^^ :weed: edit: Sahtiva I notice your clip fan is attached horizontally instead of vertically... how'd you do that? Another attachment?
  15. Bobotrank

    kk42 outdoor log 2012

    Keep it up DAJ, and I'll make sure you don't have an account here much longer.
  16. Bobotrank

    kk42 outdoor log 2012

    Hey KK how did the Sour Flower handle the wet spell we had?
  17. Bobotrank

    The Main-Lining Thread

    Good info, Rrog. You got any guidelines on how much you use per bag? Thnx
  18. Bobotrank

    The Budologist's 2012 Outdoor Grow (TGA Forest)

    Heyyyyy.... waitaminute. I know you guys. . . :lol: Nice costumes, Bud.
  19. Bobotrank

    Hawaii Growers

    You should check out the How To thread on BHO etc... good techniques, and shows how to purge with a $5 hand pump from Home Depot... lemme see if I can find it. Thar she is. :peace:
  20. Bobotrank

    The Main-Lining Thread

    From what I've found fish will only stink for a bit, and then it gets absorbed and the stench seems to subside. Just my experience, at least. :peace: