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  1. ScrogThis


    Any method that maximizes your yield is "good" but any method other than tossing a handful of seeds out in the lawn is going to take a bit of work, the results are worth it. I prefer the ScrOG method but it involves far too much work for the number of plants typically found in a SOG grow. ScrOG...
  2. ScrogThis


    Check out This link Great information and pics on ScrOG grows of all sorts as well as expert advice.
  3. ScrogThis

    Full tilt med SCROG. blue w, mango cush, jack herrer. Ebb/flow, co2, botanicare

    That's just rockin' it! Knew I was gonna be jealous of your setup from the first post.... nice work man! Do you save your trimmings? I put mine in vodka, drain, strain, repeat, not really potent enough for cannabutter at this stage but I only throw away the roots, everything else gets...
  4. ScrogThis

    Full tilt med SCROG. blue w, mango cush, jack herrer. Ebb/flow, co2, botanicare

    Are you using all Botanicare products? I use their Cal-Mag and like it fairly well (except the bottles don't pour for crap), most of the rest is Technaflora with a little General Hydroponics thrown in because I'm cheap. The results are obvious in your journal but I was curious as to your...
  5. ScrogThis

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    I believe Woodsman is still out of pocket but in his words; Nice to see another "old timer" though, I was starting to feel a bit out of place ;) edit: by "old timer" I mean "long time grower" no offense intended
  6. ScrogThis

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    @Someguy - very nice! Thanks for sharing the pic!
  7. ScrogThis

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    Just my opinion but I don't believe there is a "best" medium, I use a SWC but I've seen great examples of soil, soil-less, ebb & flow, DWC, etc. I think "best" would be what you are most familiar & comfortable with. Personally I'd recommend some sort of hydroponic setup as I believe it would be...
  8. ScrogThis

    Flash Grow Room Calculator

    Never mind friend, it was not my intention to upset anyone I was just curious as to your source. fwiw I never ask a question I haven't researched thoroughly but thank you for your suggestions. Good luck and peace.
  9. ScrogThis

    Help me find a fan

    I was pretty impressed with these
  10. ScrogThis

    Bud theives

    Get a big dog, my Rottie's bark is enough to make most folks cross the street to pass my house.
  11. ScrogThis

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    @12tblp12 - Not a bad idea but you asked about ScrOG, it's your grow and you should do what you think is best. Good luck and let us know if we can help! Here are a few pics as promised (collected not mine, credit to OP) edit: guess I should add that ScrOG is more or less utilizing LST among...
  12. ScrogThis

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    Take a look at legallyflying's journal as well as the tutorials in this thread by woodsmantoker, I have some pics I can post that should help but have to fly right this sec, will try to get back to it this evening. Generally speaking you want to train the stems to the screen positioning a bud...
  13. ScrogThis


    Start with "Newbie Central" and read the "stickys" at the top of each forum, armed with that knowledge you can figure out what type of grow works best for you and you'll be able to ask specific questions.
  14. ScrogThis

    will this carbon filter work?

    There are a TON of DIY carbon filters on this site, I'd recommend looking through the various ideas and figure out what will work best for your situation. The one you are holding looks a little small to be effective, one of the ones based on a 5 gallon bucket should do the trick. Give us some...
  15. ScrogThis

    Closet Grow - Need ideas to keep closet cool

    There is a DIY thread in the Do It Yourself forum that uses ice in a Styrofoam cooler, ducting and a fan by Youngling if I recall. Cheap & easy but takes a little work to keep up with the ice. I also posted an "experimental" solid state cooler in a similar thread that's effective but not...
  16. ScrogThis

    Flash Grow Room Calculator

    A couple of questions; where do these "facts" come from? Why do you feel you need to exchange the entire room volume that frequently? What type of ducting presents a 50% loss through a 90 degree bend? Do your heat calculations only consider bare bulbs? Is this a sealed environment, tent, shed...
  17. ScrogThis

    Full tilt med SCROG. blue w, mango cush, jack herrer. Ebb/flow, co2, botanicare

    :) I called it "hail storming" because they looked like they'd been through one, "beat down" is an apt description as well. Looking good bud!
  18. ScrogThis

    burned bud/leaves, should i cut off the stem?

    LOL - yep me too until I fought pythium mold for almost an entire grow. I'll post a few pics of my bonsai moms to illustrate the effect of the 45 degree cut and we'll just have to agree to disagree regarding leaving an inch of stem. peace Damn fine looking journal by the way, great work!
  19. ScrogThis

    NEED ADVICE: bending after topping

    I "think" they were around 50 days or so from clones, my wife is watching a movie on that computer right now so I can't get to my records. I prefer 24/0 while rooting, 18/6 during veg then 12/12 for flower, your mileage may vary but experimenting with the photoperiod (18/12, etc.) didn't change...
  20. ScrogThis

    Co2 in an 8x12' area?

    good link venacular! The knowledge base article is generally helpful though specifics are somewhat suspect due to inaccuracies contained in the text. Plants are not comprised of 80-90 percent carbon (source: University of Utah - Bad Mileage: 98 tons of plants per gallon, Changes in percentage...