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  1. calvath

    second opinion please

    Obviously this is my first grow and before I chop this plant down I want to be 100% sure it is a male so I'm looking for some other opinions thanks....
  2. calvath

    help drooping plants

    Ok thanks for the tips I appreciate all the help
  3. calvath

    help drooping plants

    Awesome thanks...I just threw some seeds in a pot I really didn't expect anything to happen...but if I can harvest something that would be cool :)
  4. calvath

    help drooping plants

    I didn't think they needed any water the soil was moist under the top layer. ..but it has been very hot and with the transplant I'm sure they are a little mad...
  5. calvath

    help drooping plants

    Oh I will I can't believe how quickly that helped! You can see the difference,amazing how quickly it can bounce back.
  6. calvath

    help drooping plants

    not even an hour after watering and putting in the shade and they are already perking up!!!
  7. calvath

    help drooping plants

    I think that is what I will do,they do seem to perk up at dusk...I appreciate the help.
  8. calvath

    help drooping plants

    Then after the transplant
  9. calvath

    help drooping plants

    Thanks I appreciate it.:p
  10. calvath

    help drooping plants

    this is what they looked like on the 12th before I transplanted them on the 15th they are on the far right
  11. calvath

    help drooping plants

    It wasn't a tight root ball... I actually am letting them do their own thing, kind of an experiment...for the past couple weeks with the geat index ot has been about 100°. They have really only been watered by the rain,which hasn't happen in a while.
  12. calvath

    help drooping plants

    I haven't really been watering them the soil is moist when you move the top layer...I moved them from the full sun hoping that may help if it is the heat...but I will definitely try anything at this point.
  13. calvath

    help drooping plants

    These are my other healthier plants [
  14. calvath

    help drooping plants

    Hi I have 2 seven week old plants that started drooping in a smaller pot I transplanted them into a bigger pot about a week ago they are growing outside in south Carolina I am sure they are stressed and I'm sure the heat is not helping my situation here are some pics any help would be great....