Search results

  1. superdave5

    stuck with home depot and walmart.

    Do you live by any mountains or forest??? Try digging some fresh soil from the mountains or forest and dilluting your organic MG. Or try a nursery. You dont always need a grow shop to buy soil and you can always start your seedlings in a dixie cup with mountain soil and when there strong enough...
  2. superdave5

    light help

    HPS is always a better way of getting denser product. Depending on how many watts yes more often than not you can go from start to finish but like stated above just read through some threads and youll be very enlightened. You can find Hps lamps that are very inexpensive. Sometimes the...
  3. superdave5

    What is the best way to start seedlings

    Ive always grown from clones and never tried seeds. I just got my seeds from nirvana (I must say it was quicker than expected) and just want to know how you guys start your seedlings what lights do you put them under. I have a 400 watt T5 that I would think would be ideal. Let me know and thx:peace:
  4. superdave5

    BG hydro, a place to shop?

    blatrix check out quantum series digital ballast. They run around 300 bucks and YOU control the power output therefore saving you a bit on the elect. bill. You can run the ballast at 50 percent, 75, and 100. I use two 1000 watt ballast and for half the grow run it on 50 to 75 percent power. Very...
  5. superdave5

    thx vic Im on it haha.

    thx vic Im on it haha.
  6. superdave5

    Directv channell 269 on the west coast (USA) history of cannabis

    Very good documentary of the history of cannabis on the history channell. Im watching it on channell 269 but I live in california. Very enlightening information. If you guys are bored today check it out!
  7. superdave5

    Hey thx for the info Vic. How do I subscribe to threads? Unfortunately I have a better green...

    Hey thx for the info Vic. How do I subscribe to threads? Unfortunately I have a better green thumb then a computer hand hahaha. ( Maybe not so unfortunate though on a side note) Anyways Im kind of on the same level. Im very hesitant to post pictures and Im not here to brag. I would like a...
  8. superdave5

    Welcome New Members!

    victor when leaching every 2 weeks assuming you mean flushing are you following the flush with more nutrients??? I flush once a week but as soon as I flush I follow with a fresh batch of nutes. This illeviates robbing your plants of nutes and still flushes the nasty stuff. And like people said...
  9. superdave5

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey everyone Ive been on here a few weeks and really enjoying this site. I havent got around to the newbie threads becuase I took it more as new to growing tomato plants instead of new to the site. I am a very small grower out of california (strictly under the prop 215 guidlines) Ive been a...
  10. superdave5

    How much CO2 is recommended for an 8x8 room

    I have an 8x8 room running two 1000w quantum digital ballast over 24 plants. I have a CO2 tank and regulator and environmenal control system. My question is how much and what level of CO2 should I run during my grow. Last time we ran it at about 4000 (i think its ppm but im not sure how the CO2...
  11. superdave5

    quantum series digital ballast

    Currently running two 1000w quantum ballasts. I personally really enjoy these ballast. The power out put is adjustable ranging from 50, 75, and 100 percent therefore saving electricity throughout your grow. My local grow shop has never heard of these and through my experiences neither have many...
  12. superdave5

    1000 watt hps question!!!

    check out the quantum series ballast. We run 2 1000watt ballast, both fully adjustable from 50percent power to 75 to 100 percent. Enables you to change your power output during the grow saving electricity and over kill. I think you can pick one up around 350
  13. superdave5

    nirvana seed bank question

    hahaha thx guys Im a damn first timer with the orderin seeds thing. Usually just go to my the co op. And I am very axnious to see what this white widow will do. It seems almost extinct where I live. So I thought, what better strain to try. I got an email conf. a day after I ordered them saying...
  14. superdave5

    nirvana seed bank question

    thx danny I had a buddy use his card so I got it taken care of. Hopefully it doesnt take toooooo long haha. Thanks again
  15. superdave5

    nirvana seed bank question

    Heres my dilema. I wanted to order 10 femenized white widow seeds and for privacy measures I went to longs and bought a prepaid visa card for a hundred bucks. I entered all the info correct but it keeps saying transactioned failed. What am I doing wrong??? And how safe is it to send cash because...
  16. superdave5

    harborside purple diesel

    Looked at some clones that were super healthy just wondering if anyone have any experience with this strain and what kind of smoke and yield will it produce. I know the strain book says it flowers in 8 weeks and the yield is decent but things dont always turn out that way. :joint:
  17. superdave5

    Coincidence or am I on to something

    Hey mountainogre- this is a real formula??
  18. superdave5

    Coincidence or am I on to something

    Yes, I am gunna try and use it as a foilar spray on the next grow. I will keep you posted. Even if it ruins one plant its only one. Strain is hindu skunk. I know this is off subject maybe i should check out the newbie forum hahaha but how safe are pics on this site. ( I mean uploading my own) I...
  19. superdave5

    Supreme Court denies SD's lawsuit

    OLOSTO- your profile pic thing is efffffffen FUNNY!