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  1. Antman15

    Passive air intake calculation questions

    Why only 6'? Go as tall as you can. Good luck.
  2. Antman15

    Cfm calculation help

    I've seen people push through the filter before, but I don't have an personal experience doing that. Plus any large setup I've seen is always pulling through the filter. I think they are designed to have the air pulled through not pushed
  3. Antman15

    Cfm calculation help

    Either way you may need to slow it down to let the carbon filter be effective. What is the cfm rating on the filter? If you are too much above that, you are going to be moving the air too fast through the filter for it to be able to work.
  4. Antman15

    Cfm calculation help

    sometimes math is hard when buzzy. lol
  5. Antman15

    Cfm calculation help

    1.1754 m3
  6. Antman15

    Cfm calculation help

    3x3 = 9 square ft. x 5 = 45 cubic feet.
  7. Antman15

    Nitrogen def? Or nute burn? Something else?

    Bugs are naturally attracted to the color yellow. Remove those old, dead, yellow leaves. They are no longer helping your plant and can only bring harm.
  8. Antman15

    hello people of this forum i need help
  9. Antman15

    Best ways to use trim to make ....

    Not to be a jerk, but I don't think that is how that works. Decarbing turns thca into thc.
  10. Antman15

    What could of done this do my soil bag and why ?

    Who knows? I'm just guessing. They looked about the right size for a mouse.
  11. Antman15

    What could of done this do my soil bag and why ?

    mice nesting maybe?
  12. Antman15

    Fireworks, cops came, what to do?

    Chances are they were just responding to a call about fireworks. They didn't witness it so they went on their way. They investigated, found nothing and went on to something else. I'd say you're fine. Paranoia saves us sometimes.
  13. Antman15

    stoner music for the faded

  14. Antman15

    Sent me the wrong seeds what should I do

    contact the seedbank that you ordered them from.
  15. Antman15

    Ozone for odor control

    Seems to be a little that always seeps out even with the carbon filter. That is why I use the o3 gen. on a timer. I don't want it running too long to totally saturate everything with o3, just enough and at the right times to knock out any lingering smells. peace
  16. Antman15

    Ozone for odor control

    I have 2 tents that exhaust into a 14x14 room for recirc. They are 4x4's. The o3 gen. is 5gr/hr.
  17. Antman15

    Ozone for odor control

    Mine stays on timer on the exhaust. I run it in bursts. works great.
  18. Antman15

    Will this light work for seedlings?!?

    Well the 2 footer will work for a few if that is what you have available. It depends on how big you want/can go. You could get more smaller CFL's, or you could get a 125W CFL, or you could get a decent, small LED, or you could get a 250 MH or a 400 w MH. Up to you.
  19. Antman15

    Will this light work for seedlings?!?

    That will work for a week or so, but you should consider purchasing something better soon.
  20. Antman15

    Want to try to grow as a profession

    I'm pretty sure that Oregon State University offers online horticultural degree's. At least they did at one time.