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  1. Clonex


    Very nice .......... rep!!
  2. Clonex

    Air Pot Exsperiment - Romulan vs Romulan

    Clones won't make it mate or i think you know i would, i'm not sold on color either , but the taste and hit is sugary and spacey as hell, Got plenty of regular seeds ?
  3. Clonex

    stunted growth

    I wouldn't put a sick plant into bloom without righting it first. Plants are normally stunted from overwatering or overfeeding. You can't expect a sick plant to perform at it's highest level.
  4. Clonex

    Help with my Grow Tent

    I would recommend using a cool tube in a small area like that.
  5. Clonex

    clones leaf tips yellowing!

    Nothing ,it's normal , when they take those leafs will be left behind , no panic , here are mine.
  6. Clonex

    Grow of purp

    Cutting it on a angle like that gives it a larger cleaner area to re-generate. I would do this when topping and cloning...
  7. Clonex

    1st grow 400 W air cooled. UPDATE

    Dry soil is good , means your roots are allowed to breath, when your plants need water they will tell you , the leaves will droop from the bottom up, You don't have any issues , your plants are nice , just go steady.
  8. Clonex

    Air Pot Exsperiment - Romulan vs Romulan

    A gallery of pictures , First up , flowering Romulan , look @ them spit!!!! These are the normal 11ltr square pots or 8ltr round pots. Then the Air pots , a mixture of 10 & 15 ltr, 1.6 weeks 12/12 ,still stretching away making up their mind what they wanna do ..., i have had to up...
  9. Clonex

    1st grow 400 W air cooled. UPDATE

    It will def benefit your plants , Mj plants like to dry out in between waterings.
  10. Clonex

    my first grow on veg+bloom

    This comment messed me up :wall:
  11. Clonex

    Grow of purp

    Big bull sorry about the catapillar , Keep the plants inside ? when god said luck , you joined the duck que right ? I keep reading the other guy's posts thinking it's you i got well confused, i need to read back, Pyrtheian (i cant spell that freekin word) is really cheap and it kills everything.
  12. Clonex

    Grow of purp

    All i know is this , i have always been told its one sure fire way to get bugs in your grow area, my bloom room is sealed so as yours is fairly open anyway , i'm not sure it would affect you as they can get in anyway, Use perythein spray anyway as a precaution anyway , it can't hurt and with...
  13. Clonex

    Air Pot Exsperiment - Romulan vs Romulan

    Welcome Matt, update tonight , got some purple explosions going on. Went hospital today , gotta have a op to release pressure on my disc at the bottom of my spine, Siatic nerve is history , i need to start a thread to find out if anyone has this problem, lots to do, Enough pain, wouldn't mind if...
  14. Clonex

    1200w 4x8 Tent Grow

    Why dont you start a thread with pictures to find out ? You could have lots of small or medium or one large, it depends on your grow style.
  15. Clonex

    1st grow 400 W air cooled. UPDATE

    Looking good. Do not water every day If your giving them half a litre daily , change your regime to one litre every other day.
  16. Clonex

    Grow of purp

    Use a perythine spray, its organic and bugs hate it and its cheap as chips. I would never bring a plant from outside into my bloom room.
  17. Clonex

    3rd Grow, 1st Legitimate One, Comments and suggestions Welcome

    I would have to investigate to give you a full answer on this, what you say makes sense about the co2, I dont run my air con intake or exhausts during lights out, i do know though that apart from the plants gaining strength , they absolutely need air movement, stale air won't help grow a thing...
  18. Clonex

    3rd Grow, 1st Legitimate One, Comments and suggestions Welcome

    Always keep your air circulating , even when lights off , Outdoors when the sun goes down the wind never stops, its great for structure and growth.
  19. Clonex

    3rd Grow, 1st Legitimate One, Comments and suggestions Welcome

    Yeah it will be fine, they dont emit much heat at all. Sorry got my wires crossed. Will reply when i get back to my pc , on my mobile at moment and its murder.
  20. Clonex

    3 1/2 Month old plants.. Starting to give up?

    I can't , i grow above my office , It just can't happen , im lucky getting away with it until now and my staff are un aware , as long they dont use r i u ha ha, I bet they are up there plucking as we speak ha ha I will explain later the issue with it. . .