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  1. shaggy340

    first grow

    so cheetah2007 what do you think is better indoors growing or outdoors
  2. shaggy340

    Outdoor growing and temperature plant stops growing

    yeah but outdoors also has plenty of co2 to make up for that
  3. shaggy340

    first grow

    so have you ever grown outdoors
  4. shaggy340

    first grow

    oh im only 17 but as soon as i move out i will be growing indoors with a nice setup like an hps system
  5. shaggy340

    first grow

    yeah i don't either to bad it want legal every where then nobody would have to worry anymore they could just grow and smoke and parents are usually not a problem how old are you anyway
  6. shaggy340

    first grow

    so cheetah2007 have you ever been busted
  7. shaggy340

    first grow

    yeah but this is America they charge you for everything i read on my state laws and it said 20 years for manufacturing well at least thats what they call i don't see how it is manufacturing its growing the last time i checked and don't any of you guys laugh when they call it a narcotic
  8. shaggy340

    first grow

    hey if i get caught by the cops with just one plant what do you think they would do?
  9. shaggy340

    first grow

    yeah thanks do you think watering it every three days should do and when should i start fertilizing
  10. shaggy340

    first grow

    ok so what do you think it been outside for three days in 90 degree heat and i just got done watering it
  11. shaggy340

    first grow

  12. shaggy340

    first grow

    ok im going to take a new pic to show you how it doing and if you think its to much for it then i guess i will have to get my closet set back up for growing
  13. shaggy340

    first grow

    i havent watered in three day do you think i should water now
  14. shaggy340

    first grow

    and the leaves are nice and green and there not wilting any so dooesnt that mean its fine
  15. shaggy340

    first grow

    because my mom wont let me keep it inside and yeah i have light cfls 1 25watt 1 20watt an one 15 watt and a fan but is there any way i can still keep it outside i chack it every day
  16. shaggy340

    first grow

    ok i just check to see what the temp was today and it was 88 and tomorrow its going to been 85 then the next two day it going to been 92
  17. shaggy340

    first grow

    no its doing fine for now do you thing i should bring it back in doors or just leave it and see if it makes it and it has been windy and at night the temp has been like 55 and up
  18. shaggy340

    first grow

    and its about 11 days old and it like 3 inches i think thats just a guess
  19. shaggy340

    first grow

    right now its in the 90s and you do know its just a seedling doesnt to much light hurt a seedling its only been out three days
  20. shaggy340

    first grow

    no what i meant is does all the sun light have to be direct becasue it kinda of shaded during the after noon