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  1. Beansly

    Gordon Ramsay knows his shit!

    I love that guy. No matter how big the dude is who's yelling at him he doesn't back down. I like that.
  2. Beansly

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Don't forget scotch tape....Awesome. Calm down ma'am, your country is relevant.....pfff hahaha. Sorry. Couldn't say it with a straight face.
  3. Beansly

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Im grasping at straws man. lol No one around here gives enough of a shit about Scotland for me to have learned anything about it other than the women are ugly and that Mel Gibson single-handedly won their independence.
  4. Beansly

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Well you know, we can't all beat our wives and masturbate for a living.
  5. Beansly

    The UK Growers Thread!

    God-damn it I knew it... I was wrestling with that but was too lazy to google it. Score one for the guy from the country no one gives a crap about, and the co-founder of the the EDL.
  6. Beansly

    The UK Growers Thread!

    yeah but I'm not white remember? American terrorists are white man.. I'd rather drink on the corner and complain about life and the government while perpetuating my own mediocrity. You know, like a scott.
  7. Beansly

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I wish I had a coke habit... My life might be more interesting. Nope. Still single. Still live alone. Still suicidally lonely. But working btw fun that internet spastic fishing innit? Takes such a small amount of bait these days.
  8. Beansly

    Can you get clones by mail?

    Depends who you know;)
  9. Beansly

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Been kidnapping white women and ruining them with my mexicanness. lol That and I went crazy and got a job. :o
  10. Beansly

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I wont have this sorry excuse for a thread bringing down my newbie section.
  11. Beansly

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Ah bullshit dura, you're a drama queen and that's all there is too it. You're an attention whore ya fuckin sheep shaggin jock, jus admit it it! Btw, howve ya been? :mrgreen:
  12. Beansly

    I'm in a terrible girl situation

    Once you fuck your friends girl your labeled for life. There's no coming back from that in you circle of friends. Besides, it never turns out to be worth it. In a few years you'll look back and wonder at the reasons you lost a good friend and you'll be mad when you realize it was just for a...
  13. Beansly

    No Likes = Meaningless Rep?

    On second thought get a job and helmet sport cause life is gonna be tought if THIS is an issue.
  14. Beansly

    No Likes = Meaningless Rep?

    Get over it.
  15. Beansly

    OMG Im gonna kill myself!

    I had to poke a little fun at all the boo-hooing cry babies hehe sorry raizer!lol
  16. Beansly

    OMG Im gonna kill myself!

    I lost like 2000 plus posts and like 6000 likes... life has become pointless. What will I do without my precious validation??? I sometimes wake up in a cold sweat with one thought on my mind; do people like me? I've decided to end the madness and start my own furums. Fuck RIU!!! Its called...
  17. Beansly

    Funny names for the vagina?

    Gotta love the knappy dugout
  18. Beansly

    Loss Of Data

    In that case it didn't work...
  19. Beansly


    Oh my bad! Mellokitty and Rush:mrgreen: And what's up with Canadian footbal eh?
  20. Beansly


    HAs Canada produced any net gains to humanity besides Rush?Everytime I find out an actor I like is Candianian, I die a little inside. Quick, name a Canadiaian car......right.