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  1. newbie71047

    thinking about starting a sog grow

    well out of six i got four females total... my prize looking girl turned out to be a damn dude wtf but at least i got mostly females... we will see how it goes...
  2. newbie71047

    Female noob here again! I think I have a hermi...

    sorry to hear bout your "girl" but it could be worse. it could have been all man.. i have a sweet looking indica that i have to kill because what i thought was going to be my prize winning lady. turned out to be a dude. one box of kleenex later and i still dont have the heart to dispose of...
  3. newbie71047

    thinking about starting a sog grow

    well since i have posted this i have decided to go ahead and try just a simple grow with some lsting.. planted six seeds i am now in the first week of flowering and so far i have found that i have at least two females. one that died during transplant and i am still waiting on the sex of the...
  4. newbie71047

    Your Favorite Lines From A song

    Jamie had a chance, well she really did (Whao) Instead she dropped out and had a couple of kids (Whao) Mark still lives at home 'cause he's got no job (Whao) He just plays guitar and smokes a lot of POT Jay committed suicide (Whao) Brandon OD'd and died (Whao) What the hell is going on?
  5. newbie71047

    where is AL B Fuct i got questions

    well thank you for the input.. i guess i will just build the room and do what i need to do to get them to fit... that is one thing i like about this site. you learn that there is more than one way to skin a i just like the idea of have a steady supply for myself without having to rely...
  6. newbie71047

    where is AL B Fuct i got questions

    if i cut them at 4 inches and let them veg for 2 weeks do you think i could keep them around 12-14 inches without lst
  7. newbie71047

    where is AL B Fuct i got questions

    i was reading in one of al's post that he takes the clones and puts them right into flowering once they have roots... my question is about how tall can i expect them to get.... concerned bout space... trying to design my grow room. i am using bagseeds i think that it is a basic mex. sativa. i...
  8. newbie71047

    thinking about starting a sog grow

    my question is about how tall can i expect my clones to get if i go right to flowering after i get roots established... medium will be soil and i will be using as many cfl's as i can fit in my grow room... i am starting with bagseeds most likely a common sativa. need to know so i can start to...
  9. newbie71047

    You Know You're a Stoner if....

    you know your a stoner when on a walk you smell that sweet skunky smell and search for hours just to find a dead f$%king skunk and get pissed off
  10. newbie71047

    You Know You're a Stoner if....

    you know your a stoner when without even thinking about it you find yourself rolling up odd pieces of paper like atm recipes, the sticker off the back of the lighter, etc... have done it on more than once..