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  1. Nukulhedd

    Whats Your Pot Peeve?

    being the only one in the whole damn room that call roll a joint right.
  2. Nukulhedd

    Yellowing, dying lower leaves... Help Please!!!

    at first glance it looks like your ph is locking out (N). in flower you are going to get some yellowing due to a drop in (N) but the pics look like additional lock out to me.
  3. Nukulhedd

    Need help on light selection

    i have 1000w lights on a adjustable digi ballast in my veg room cranked down to 600w. that way when i expand i can crank it up if i need more light.
  4. Nukulhedd

    advice please on sagging leaves

    how long are your lights out? in veg you can run 18- 24 hours of constant light.