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  1. kush714

    250 wt HPS

    Try, they have some good deals with very good reviews. I got mine of of craigs, whatever works best for ya. hope this helps.
  2. kush714

    Leafs are getting light yellow/brownish

    Whats your light cycle currently? could also be from overwqatering, how often do you water ?
  3. kush714

    This weeks "Is It Male or Female?" Poll... Pics

    I would have to say its too early, need another week or 2.
  4. kush714

    Hey Everyone

    Hello Everyone, just wanted to im glad i found such a usefull website.
  5. kush714

    Slighty Drooping Leaves and some markings

    Thanks for your reply, it took forever for someone to respond. In that regrads, thank you so much as i will add to your rep points. I believe what you see is infact the reflection from the 2700k bulb. The clone was in soil when i got it, then i took it and put it in some fox farms soil. I looked...
  6. kush714

    Slighty Drooping Leaves and some markings

    Does anybody like me? just need some advice....
  7. kush714

    Slighty Drooping Leaves and some markings

    Anybody have any ideas? Anybody ? lol
  8. kush714

    Slighty Drooping Leaves and some markings

    Hey guys, i just got this clone 4 days ago and transplanted it into a 3 gallon pot when i got it. The leaves didnt look like this when i got it, but i look today and it looked like this. the soil felt kinda dry about 3 or 4 inches down so i added some water but it wasent enough to see drain out...
  9. kush714

    Light Cycle Thoughts

    I keep mine @ 18/6 , and seems to work for me so far.
  10. kush714

    WHich CFL to get?

    43w = 150w actual light power. Actual wattage means what its putting out as far as light power, but its only taking 43w of energy to run it. make sense ?